Reviews for Chuck vs The Woman Who Came In from the Cold
LetsGoRed chapter 13 . 7/20
What a wonderful story. The personal journey for Sarah was rendered so well, coming so far from the driven spy with blinders on for what her heart might want to fully realizing her love for Chuck and choosing a life with him over her CIA career. I very much liked how the story was told; moving between Chuck’s and Sarah’s POVs, the “confessional” of sorts for Chuck in the early chapters, the movement in time, it all worked very well. And a very satisfying and heartwarming landing for the characters. Lastly, the estate lawyer, what a great character, so believable I could imagine meeting him in real life.
LetsGoRed chapter 10 . 7/10
Hmmm, I think my review for this chapter was lost in the ether when I attempted to post without internet access. At the risk of having a duplicate entry... The spy-espionage story line is filling out very nicely, with a lot of thoughtful detail. My curiosity about Madelaine is certainly piqued. And the romance between Chuck and Sarah is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
LetsGoRed chapter 10 . 7/9
The espionage storyline is ratcheting up nicely. Love the detail. And my curiosity with Madelaine's story is thoroughly piqued. Looking forward to where those two elements go and of course what else is in store for Chuck and Sarah.
LetsGoRed chapter 7 . 6/28
Casey and Cole teamed up with Sarah with interesting, detailed spy craft. Nice. Finished off with some intrigue on what exactly is happening between Chuck and Sarah, if anything (something is, right?). Very happy this story got the long version, it’s been wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
LetsGoRed chapter 6 . 6/19
A fantastic chapter for what has been a great story so far. An effective use of elements from the show together with very intriguing alternatives you have made. The story is novel and quite different from the show but feels nonetheless like it is embracing it. The characters came into this story with their histories from canon (which, all things being equal, is what I usually prefer), and your portrayals have felt very faithful to the characters I cherish. The scenes here between Chuck and Sarah after Casey left, oh wow, those hit with a lot of emotional punch, especially “You can’t stop me from thinking about you... you can’t stop me from loving you.” What a great declaration from Chuck.
Ancientgamer chapter 13 . 6/3
Great AU story. Thanks for giving us all this gift.
baldcoder chapter 13 . 5/14
Really great story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
klipdoctor chapter 13 . 5/10
Really enjoyed this story - thanks for posting.
Vasouthernman74 chapter 13 . 5/9
What a great story thanks for posting it.
Mike B chapter 13 . 5/7
Thank you you did a great job.
Mike B chapter 12 . 5/7
As much as I don’t want this to finish, I can’t wait for the epilogue. I want answers. This is a very good story and I love all the good Charah action. Thank you
Guest chapter 13 . 5/7
Great ending to a great story. From the retelling of their first meeting/courting to the suspense of if their paths will cross again to what they will do if they do cross. I loved that they didn't immediately fall into forever, but worked through their issues to get to their happily ever after.
JR69stang chapter 13 . 5/7
I just finished rereading the entire story.
It was even better the second time.
The 12 was better than 9.
I would be pleased to read any future stories.
This has been a wonderful read.
Thank You for writing. JR
mjkingnyc chapter 1 . 5/7
That was a perfectly packaged ending. Well done Grayroc
Deathzbreath chapter 13 . 5/6
A perfect ending to a wonderful story, thank you for writing.
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