Reviews for Black Swan
Guest chapter 27 . 7/21
wow this was a lot to read, I will look forward to its continuation.
futurecullen26 chapter 27 . 7/8
Hope things get better for you! (both writing and life in general) Another awesome chapter. And your definition of "mellow" is way different than mine lol
nebfan51 chapter 27 . 7/8
I did enjoy this update :-) The banter was great!
Guest chapter 27 . 7/3
Not sure what to think about the story now. I was so stoked in the beginning, but it feels like it stalled, like each chapter is mostly repeating itself, it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. There's slow burn, but then there's what is happening with this story? :(
princeselisa chapter 27 . 7/2
Guest chapter 27 . 6/30
Thank you :)
Yulika chapter 27 . 7/1
Thank you for the chapter. Bella keeps playing hot and cold, poor Edward.
StarryEyedWriter8 chapter 27 . 7/1
Loved it! And I can't wait to read more! :D
debslmac chapter 27 . 7/1
Finally have an account chapter 27 . 7/1
The eternal conflict between a 90 (ish) year old woman and a teenage boy lol. Great update hon.
KDMCAM chapter 27 . 6/30
They are so silly!
AnakinSmom chapter 27 . 6/30
Mellow seems to be a difficult concept for her.
Mary Jane 000 chapter 27 . 6/30
Edward's funny and Bella is really mellowing. It's good to see. I hope she tells Edward how she died soon. I'm curious as well haha.
Rebadams7 chapter 27 . 6/30
Their dating is certainly unique
shehazi chapter 27 . 6/30
I love that he’s such a petulant, horny teen. Thanks for sharing.
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