Reviews for Game of Survival
djimenez1246 chapter 4 . 7/31
I really hope you continue this story.
Adawnsong103 chapter 4 . 7/30
Really great story! Hope you keep going!
rachelariella chapter 4 . 5/24
ugh i love this little trio/family unit that's forming. like neither of them really wanted to be in this situation, but they're lowkey worried about having to hand over the child. and while there weren't many moments between amreen and baby yoda, i adored every one of them. also i loved the reversal of din getting hurt, giving amreen the chance to take care of him and their banter was adorable. and i know this is gonna be a bit of a slow burn but every time amreen and din have a moment/scene together my heart goes ! but you did an amazing job on this chapter and i'm very excited to keep reading and see how this fic progresses
rachelariella chapter 3 . 5/23
ahhhh we finally got baby yoda and it's everything i could have hoped for. the fact that amreen and din didn't even have to talk about sparing his life was amazing it just proves that they get each other, no communication needed. but honestly i love that amreen is kind of an accident magnet. two out of three chapters has her hurt and needing din to help fix her up, which i am living for btw. i can't wait to get more of this new trio and see how din and amreen handle having the baby with them. but this was a great chapter and keep up the amazing work lovely!
rachelariella chapter 2 . 5/23
this was another great chapter lovely. i liked getting to see them on a mission together and see their dynamic in that kind of situation. their relationship has definitely strengthened over the years to the point where amreen picks up on din's little mannerisms/physical expressions and i loved that. amreen is such a badass though and while they work great as a team, it's obvious that she can protect herself. and after the short mention of her family, i'm very much looking forward to learning more about her background and past. but i'm so excited to keep reading and get to the baby yoda storyline and see amreen and din be the parents he deserves
rachelariella chapter 1 . 5/23
ahhh i was very excited to start this fic and this first chapter definitely exceeded my expectations. i enjoyed how much interaction we got between amreen and din and i really liked that they were pretty much instantly comfortable around each other. they were understandably cautious of course, but bc their relationship basically started with saving each other, they were able to establish a bit of trust in the beginning. i also have to add that i thought you wrote mando perfectly and i already adore amreen. i'm really looking forward to getting deeper into this fic and seeing more of amreen x din, esp once they get/save baby yoda. but this was a great first chapter and keep up the good work lovely!
MandosGirl chapter 4 . 5/21
liking it.
Lyanna Arwen Narsilia chapter 4 . 5/18
can't wait to read the next one!
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 4 . 5/11
Nice to see you back!
BaconBabe chapter 4 . 5/10
You updated. Good
Guest chapter 4 . 5/9
Okay, first thing. Like the title of the chapter (I laughed a little bit) and glad that you were able to update. Loved the interaction with Amreen and the child. Looking forward to reading more.
ZabuzasGirl chapter 4 . 5/9
Update immediately, please!
iron-parkr chapter 1 . 2/25
Ahhhh omg I'm so happy I finally got the chance to read this! Such a strong start, I already love the dynamic between Amreen and Mando! You did an awesome job of setting everything up, it feels super natural for Amreen to go with him and stay on the ship with him. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of their interactions and how everything will go down once you jump to the show's timeline. Can't wait for Amreen and the green bean! They're gonna be adorable I just know it! Thank you for sharing Amreen and her story, I'm so excited to keep reading and find out what role Amreen will play in the overall story! Much love!
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 3 . 2/17
Great chapter!
elctraheart chapter 3 . 2/16
hello hello,,, it’s me,,, ya fav! anyways, chapter three leTS GO

wow five seconds in and she passed out. i mean, i fucking relate bc i too would immediately do that in any situation. also din making her feel at ease is so fucking adorable i love my parents. dIN IS CLEANING HER WOUNDS UGH WE LOVE ONE (1) BADASS DUO! aww amreen wanting din to sleep is so precious i love them. “why didn’t you wake me?” wow din okay it’s not like amreen cares a lot about you to let you sleep a bit but go off i guess. ooo amreen gonna be sniping yes bitch go off! aMREEN USING THE LASER CANON AND LAUGHING WHILE SHE DOES?! BIG DICK ENERGYYYYYYY! baby yoda immediately figuring out his mom and dad? *chef’s kiss* beautiful!

okay so amazing chapter update as always! we finally getting to the juicy stuff and nOW WE SEE BABY YODA AND HIS PARENTS TOGETHER AHHH! ICONIQUE! anyways, the action sequence was fantastic and easy to read, the small conversations with din and amreenand kuiilwere interesting and insightful to their relationship for future chapters! again, amazing update and im so excited to read more babe!
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