Reviews for Yes, Scarlett Could Have Gotten Rhett Back
LL chapter 1 . 4/13
Thanking everyone for their reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed this … and I wish I could figure out what comes next.

If I ever do I'll post more.
Gemma96 chapter 3 . 3/17
Scarlett can definitely get Rhett back. Giving this much thought to what he might be thinking and feeling will help her gain insight into her own feelings. She'll become a more balanced vibrant person, accepting herself as she is. Can't wait to read what comes next!
I Dream of Spring chapter 3 . 1/29
I really enjoyed this and I hope you continue.
pronker chapter 3 . 1/26
I read Midnight so long ago ... it's a fond memory. I'm delighted to see this in another fandom, follow the fic and Scarlett's redemptive thoughts in the first chapter, followed by success, followed by something to do with money, how like her!The tone of Mitchell is well-captured. Happy writing, pronker
Guest chapter 2 . 1/1
This is great! You’ve got them corresponding at least. A good start.
Conlyn70 chapter 2 . 12/31/2019
So glad that I came across your story I really enjoyed what you have written so far and looked forward to more.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Really enjoyed this. Thank you for writing and sharing. I can’t personally envisage Rhett writing that letter but, hey, why not? He could always see the truth in Scarlett’s flaws without any problems, so it stands to reason he should see his, if he cares to look. She’s doing everything right so far. Hope you continue and looking forward to where you take this. Lovely start.
Old Maid Wilkes chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Lovely! I can’y believe this is your first fic, I think you have them both pegged down really well and I very much enjoyed your writing!
gabyhyatt chapter 2 . 12/29/2019
Good fic, i feel sorry for both of them