Reviews for A midsummer night's proposal
Bicii chapter 1 . 8/10
We where all cringing at him every time he opened his mouth on that walk hehe ;)
I love this ending, well done!
Thank you for writing this happy version of Sanditon ;)
Isa chapter 1 . 8/5
Great story!
ILoveHarryPotterForever chapter 1 . 6/17
Very sweet! I WISH the show had ended this way!
SpecialKay chapter 1 . 5/23
Loved this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26
I'm so happy they finished their conversation without too much delay. I'm REALLY happy that the desperate attempt to save Tom by a loveless marriage never entered the story. THANK YOU!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
I think the word is blaggart, not black guard. You might want to check. Up the wall is too 20th century for Regency period dialogue. Love where your narrative and dialogue are going, just a few hints to guide us in what's to come.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10
Loved it!
Alina chapter 1 . 2/29
Your story is fantastic! The way you are able to adapt the language and the gist of their relationship is really good and I enjoyed reading it. Would you consider continuing the storyline since Charlotte and Sidney still have a long life ahead ;)?
twlightbella chapter 1 . 2/17
Sidney and Charlotte engaged
BstnStrg13 chapter 1 . 2/10
Just lovely and true to the characters. It’s how I wish they could have concluded season 1.
Gemmadog chapter 1 . 2/10
Just lovely x
nowsusieq chapter 1 . 2/6
I knew there would be a Sanditon group? once I had binged seeing the rest of the eps online. How could they have left it like that? Then to read there may not be a second season? I remembered fanfic and was delighted to see stories available. I loved this one. You caught Sidney and Charlotte, and I got to see the scene not given on PBS. Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25
So good!
DanielleK28 chapter 1 . 1/12
So lovely to read an alternative ending for these two - how Jane Austen would have wanted it - a happy ending! Lovely chapter!
Sey77 chapter 1 . 1/1
I love this. Will you be adding more chapters, please?
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