Reviews for Passing Ships
Harry and George chapter 1 . 7/11
I just love this- the perfect literati end I thought they should have always got... (I had always imagined her bus would go through Philadelphia and they would reconnect...).
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5
Just came across this & think it's amazing. Love the slow & steady build-up. It was a lot more hopeful and sweet than the summary suggested so I'm glad to have clicked.
blancaaa07 chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
love this great job!
Nancy chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
For most of us, as we get a little bit older, we mature. And, wow, both Rory and Jess are more mature. They have each worked through their individual "mess" - at that rare and perfect juncture in time and space, they are finally ready for each other. Slow and steady, but it will be perfect because they can deal with anything now that they are together again. I love the hope and sincerity here. Thanks so much!