Reviews for Christmas Memories: Celebrations PT 8
Bell 1 chapter 1 . 7/25
When I started "Christmas Present", I didn't expect to have to hunt down seven other chapters. :( I was wanting a quick read. Thankfully, all the other seven chapters were also (relatively) quick reads though. ;)

I'm happy to see Edward learned to repent his wrongdoings toward Carlisle and finally grow up.

It is good Carlisle and Bella wish to move on and release Edward of his restrictions.

It is stated everyone found their mates, but it seems not everyone did. Edward appears to still remain without one. Though he does seem more content and a bit happier than he was previously.

I'm happy everyone was able to come together and learn to stay in touch at the very least. :) Also, really pleased they all seemed to learn from their mistakes and begin to live a better life, which ends up reflecting Carlisle's ways also... thus, showing Carlisle he didn't do everything wrong. :)

I can't say I am upset about how things turned out for Alice though. ;)
XxFanFicObsessedxX chapter 1 . 5/14
Oh, and I think Bella still needs to be a shield because Edward needs to learn to stay out of people's heads. The coven should also be trained by Jasper and Peter in combat.
XxFanFicObsessedxX chapter 1 . 5/14
I would like to read a Bella/Carlisle with her being the one he changed after Edward. I like to read a story where Bella places restrictions on the Cullen kids due to how much they spend a year. They should have an alounce and be made to work so they learn the value of a dollar. Definitely no attending high school. Everyone aside from Jasper comes off be be selfish and spoiled. Jasper should be either the coven leader or be second in command. He was in the army and a Major in both human and vampire worlds. He deserves the respect that comes with it.
Babysis64 chapter 1 . 1/22
this was an awesome one shot I thought. Glad everyone changed for the best, too bad about Alice though right. Thank you for sharing this one shot with us.
LadyViolet2112 chapter 1 . 1/11
Debbie chapter 1 . 1/4
Nice xx
twi nana chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
what a perfect ending (?). Loved the way that everyone got exactly "cough" alice "cough", "cough" Edward "cough", what they deserved. Your stories always make my heart happy, and dang, who wouldn't want an assertive Carlisle...Hugs, and hope your Holidays were fun. TN
Tee Hill chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
awesome :))))))
Catspector chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Wonderful ending to this series of one shots. Everyone is better for their (often difficult) journeys - with the exception of Alice, but that is not a surprise. And the sum of the many parts is stronger than the one original dysfunctional Cullen Coven. Thanks for sharing this story.
Leo2010 chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Wonderful way to end the series. Looking forward to your next story line.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
To be honest, there’s too much information in this to make a good prologue. For me, prologues should be vague, giving barely anything worthwhile away. Like the one in the beginning of Twilight itself actually (which was really a prologue and not a preface like she labeled it. I still don’t know how she got away with that.) so this is best left as an epilogue to me. It’s nice to see how they all ended up. Alistair and Rose is a pairing I never would have dreamed of. Lol. And Alice... well that’s not too surprising. She was just asking for it. ;) great little group of one shots. I’m sad to see them end.
Tommy14 chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Beautiful way to end this series. Love seeing the closure amongst the group. Merry Christmas to you.
Moondancer1818 chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Loved this add on to the Bella/Carlisle story line. Very good.
Sassy Mami chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Thanks for the update, and the story. Merry Christmas Alexis
sabrina michaels chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Wonderful wrap up...This was a very satisfying and unique way of unfolding this story. so I guess this is my way of saying this would be a fine epilogue..Hope your Christmas was wonderful and that your New Year will be a Happy and Healthy one...Nan
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