Reviews for OH C'MON!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17
yeah it would probably be pretty intresting if i had any intrest whatsoever in the animes you chose ... as i don't have any intrest in them this is pretty boring for me ...
Gareth Doherty chapter 2 . 7/18
Sees Kengan Ashura *proceeds to have seizure from excitement*
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 19 . 7/17
NazgulBelserion chapter 19 . 7/16
Dude you gotta work with me here next world Sekirei please just imagine Karasuba as he's Sekirei two crazy ass fighters and he can fight alien girls and hopefully smash some girls finally instead of running away still this story is so cool
Silber D. Wolf chapter 19 . 7/16
awesome fight
frankieu chapter 19 . 7/16
nice chapter thx for writing it
gradz on completing ya thesis hope ya get a good grade on it
Abdur Rauf Aymaan chapter 18 . 7/11
cool story bro, keep it up and don't drop. thanks for the chapter and hope you update soon.
Goblin chapter 18 . 6/25
Break a leg
0vrLrd71 chapter 3 . 6/19
3 years yet his pretty weak? does he not have IDC? or does he not grind?wait NVM, but still did he not exercise or work out?NVM, again, though it does feel like his stats increased too slowly for a couple of years...

it's pretty ilogical for his tanto to evolve to a demonic/holy sword without any extra materials...
0vrLrd71 chapter 1 . 6/19
Really the Nuts? couldn't he bite his cheek, or tongue? maybe even poke his eyes! but his nuts!

You know that you can't have a negative luck right? luck includes good and bad so technically a 10 in luck could count as 1 good and 9 bad, though with the gamer it's a little different considering well it's a game

Would he be able to evolve the insta genius skill? so that later on he doesn't have the draw back? even if the drawback is temporary, though you didn't mention how much it lasts before the drawback is over

it also suck that he learns stuff with it but won't be able to understand it, like one can know what EMC but not now what it actually is, kinda hoping it actually lets him master whatever, meaning if he Master's the English language, besides learning it he actually understands it, and comprehends everything about it,

I like the premise, and the first world too, it's been a while since I've read a martial ffic
Gobert600 chapter 18 . 6/19
have russel go to akame ga kill please
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 18 . 6/19
omega9028 chapter 18 . 6/18
EPIC!,great description of the fight and how it ends, now what Rusell vs Omha expected

Although I would like more Baki characters to appear

¿why not try to go Akame ga kill or Goblin Slayer or even Konosuba or also Soul Eater?
Silber D. Wolf chapter 18 . 6/18
Great chapter
frankieu chapter 18 . 6/18
nice chapter thx for writing it
nice see the fight with ogre
yay for the fight with the friends
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