Reviews for Up and Away!
DevilsArray chapter 1 . 7/22
Love it. Super cool. Blueman was a hit, i was sad when you abandoned it. Now you back, i guess i will be returning to facfic more often. You for me this is my entertainment not youtube or tiktok. So thank for thhe effort and hardwork. I can even do proof reading for ya. More please
OGbacon chapter 4 . 7/21
So he has a pretty good understanding of comic book characters powers and abilities yet he doesn’t know he has Superman’s powers. Just based of the powers he’s displayed super strength, speed, durability, hearing, inferred and X-ray vision. While also able to jump super high that sounds a lot like leaping a tall building in a single bound. That’s a real coincidence, he even named the flash so he has dc knowledge. It just doesn’t make sense.
Kalpatru chapter 1 . 7/16
The last story was shit and this story is shit as well...why the fuck are u wasting Ur time rebooting a good for nothing story whose reboot is crap as well...
ChangeMe4574 chapter 4 . 7/12
C'mon, dude. She's looking at you like an experiment and her last name is OCTAVIUS. Be more guarded, dammit.
Kulha chapter 2 . 6/22
Is the MC slow or autistic? He just behaves like he's just drifting around and doing whatever like he's in a stupor caused by booze or drugs.
OGbacon chapter 2 . 6/21
So I like the idea of a Superman like character in marvel that’s not just kal-el just thrown into the marvel universe. I personally would prefer if the main character didn’t have super ultra meta knowledge or what ever where he knows everything is going to happen at this exact time and this exact place. It’s understandable that he has some knowledge of the universe such as shield, and there a super secret organization. Or the identity’s of some super hero’s. I feel that some times when a main character has super ultra meta knowledge it makes the story dull and boring, like he knows how everything plays out, basically he’s omnipotent and knows everything about a certain situation. The Mc has to start to feel like this is real life for him now these people are not in a page anymore this is his real life now.
ChangeMe4574 chapter 3 . 6/20
And thus the Marvel Superman has been set up. It''ll be fun seeing where this goes.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 3 . 6/20
I should have asked this earlier into the story, but does Patrick Doyle have meta knowledge of the MCU and the Greater Marvel Omniverse, or is his knowledge of the MCU and Greater Marvel Omniverse limited? Does he have meta knowledge of DC Omniverse or limited knowledge of DC Omniverse?
Corigan chapter 1 . 6/1
please bring the new stuff from spacebattles here. its easier to read on the app
SirMaou chapter 2 . 2/1
Like this one more than the other one.
billybob10 chapter 2 . 1/30
This is a good combination. I'll tell ya what.
SirenAtlantica chapter 2 . 1/23
That last like is pure gold, I love it.
SirenAtlantica chapter 1 . 1/23
Obviously it's not Dublin, he's in an alley and has yet to be mugged.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 2 . 1/22
He's starting to discover he has various powers aside from being extremely durable, like Thermal Vision. Will he discover X-Ray Vision?
Alucard1992 chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
I like it
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