Reviews for River in Egypt
Guest chapter 3 . 2/13
HappyDeathFairy chapter 3 . 7/4/2012
I absolutely loved reading this! It was just too cute!
sam chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
robert pottinson/kristen stewart/ashley greene/jackson rathbone/dackota fanning/
christylee chapter 3 . 5/5/2007
Thank you for writing your new story, What Not to Wear, because it led me back here to this story from a few years ago, which I have just read and thoroughily enjoy. (I also like What Not to Wear, and hope to comment on that shortly).

There are several things I really love about this story. First, you really capture the excited confusion of being a teenager in love, and all the anxiety that can accompany the sudden realization of new emotions. And your "Lizzie voice" is great, so true. I mean, even ending with the single word "Cool." Yes. How Lizzie!

I also appreciate the way you stay in character and stay true to the show. I see a few places where you make reference to things that have happened on the show, *specific* personality traits (love the bit about Ethan maybe getting distracted by a bird, lol!).

You've done your homework, you are really writing a story about these particular characters, not just a story where you could substitute in the names of other characters from another show and the story would still work. This story works precisely because it IS about Lizzie and Gordo, and you have captured them so well.

This story stands on its own. No need to write further chapters. But thank you for writing this much. And I hope that of all the many fanfic-doms that you enjoy, you will chose to do some more for Lizzie McGuire.

Kina1027 chapter 3 . 9/13/2004
This was great. I definitely want more of it. :) Maybe a scene from after high school.
DaleJrsGal chapter 3 . 12/4/2003
Your story was great! Probably my favorite one so far, and believe me, I've probably read more than half of the romanace Lizzie-Gordo stories. I guess that would be like 200. Anyways, I loved how you stuck with their REAL personalities. Too many stories wander off and make Lizzie and Gordo totally different and I don't like that. So, what I'm trying to say is, GREAT JOB! It was so cute!
Sailor Piglet chapter 3 . 11/17/2003
Like a few other stories I've read, there's only one word for this story, interesting. I like it. I think I'll stick around for some more chapters. Good job!
ignorethisaccount123 chapter 3 . 8/16/2003
so sweet!
Takeitha chapter 2 . 6/1/2003
This was amazing! I absolutely loved it. Lizzie and Gordo were written perfectly. Lizzie's gradual realization of her feelings for Gordo was adorable. The entire fic was fabulous, and it put a big smile on my face. Thank you so much for posting this!
xxVisionGirlxx chapter 3 . 5/29/2003
Just adding this puppy to my fav stories list...don't mind me...
Purplerks chapter 3 . 5/27/2003
lovin it! Lovin it! Very well done! Love it- write more please!

sw31 chapter 3 . 5/25/2003
very good story. everything played out nicely. keep up the good work.
Cathy chapter 3 . 5/19/2003
Okay, this story is excellent. Your writing style is very easy to read and the story is so entertaining. You write Lizzie and Gordo exactly like I would imagine them after Rome. They are so cute in this story. Great work!
sayinjinj7 chapter 3 . 5/19/2003
Wow...that chapter was amazing. You have an incredable writing talant. This story is really great, I hope you keep it up!
Courtney chapter 3 . 5/18/2003
WOW! omg...ok this is the best story i've ever read and im dead serious. I know I'm only 12 but I know a great writer when I see one. You should definitly continue this story and just to let you know, i totally look up to you as an awesome author! Great Job!
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