Reviews for The Thing With Wings
Delphynes chapter 30 . 7/30
Sorry, I don't understand at all why people delete their stories. You have several good quality completed stories here, why delete them? Some people delete their stories because they don't plan on finishing them, others delete them because of flames. And I don't consider both to be particularly good excuses because some unfinished stories are still good and it's better to keep it up in case someone likes them, and if some idiots flame them you can just ignore it, even abandon the account and use a new one, no need to delete them. The only case I think deleting is justified is if the story is very bad indeed (e.g. very poor spelling and grammar, no plot, all cliches with nothing interesting at all, etc.). I just think that there are tons of abandoned stories and most of them are junk, but some of them are good, while some better stories are deleted. Sometimes stories are deleted to 'make room' for new ones, but again I don't think this makes much sense. Even if a story is not going to be finished or isn't very good, I think it doesn't hurt to leave it up, there are sure to be some readers who would still like them, unless they are really awful. And if a story is complete and none of the above apply, like in this case, I don't understand this at all. In any case, I'm sure people have their reasons for deleting their stories, maybe I just don't understand them.

Well, sorry for the rant, I just needed to get this out, no offense to you personally. I didn't have time before to read a lot of your work, (I'm going to try and read more later), but from what I did read I think you're a great writer. So, best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Also what do you mean by 'original works,' does that mean it won't be based on any fandom? I don't really need an answer, just curious. And, I wonder what you'll be working on from now on?

As I said, I like your writing, so good luck with your next projects.

Tempest E. Dashon chapter 30 . 7/30
Following! Hehe :p
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 16 . 5/24
Just from reading the A/N, I can tell you I don't have a Gryffindor side lol. I'm going to read now...

Does 'apples of his cheeks' count as a drapple reference? I'm not sure.

Awww, the warm fuzziness of afterglow and wanting more. Broken by Potter... how utterly typical. (See? I'm so Slytherin. Lol)

Ok, so I feel a bit bad for Harry now. Granted what Malfoy is saying is true but he frames it very accusatory. I suppose his defences are up. What an awkward situation. Poor Luna stuck in the middle of it all. Although I suppose they're all stuck in the middle of it all. I really want to give them all a big hug and ask them to just get along, even if it is naive. (I seem to have a Hufflepuff side lol)

Blow job is always the perfect distraction. I have employed that tactic myself. Although... "why is he so red" is an amazing line. I may have to use that in life lol. Ooo, that's where my Gryffindor comes out. Also... "grows back to the size I prefer" is such a strangely innocent phrase considering what she's describing. I love the duality in that. Toffee flavour and magical properties. I love Luna and her unique way of interpreting life.

I'm wondering if Draco's epiphany about the wonders of Luna are coming from the fact that she has her lips around his cock or if they're genuine. Is he changing for the better?

Ron's camaraderie was an interesting twist. I like it. Although in a way I suppose it makes sense. He's used to dealing with sibling squabbles and can be the voice of reason and peace-making occasionally.

Thanks for the shout outs... we're a good team in the Coven.

Love & Blessings
Moon x
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 15 . 5/24
Wow... I can't admit to really understanding the mindset of possession, especially in this bleak and desperate setting but I think you wrote it amazingly well. His desperation was touching even though I can see the errors in how he thinks of her.

As always the imagery and evocative wording you used was completely inspired and this lemon was an amazing addition to the story that made my heart ache for both of them in different ways.

Love Moon x
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 14 . 5/23
Well, what a thrill ride. Luna really should have known better than to bring Draco into their camp without warning to either side. I know Draco was sort of given the heads up but damn... she could've played that better. I have no doubt that was the point... for the drama.

After reading your 'author note' I feel inclined to say I completely agree with your analysis. Draco's behaviour was completely unreasonable and while Luna should've found some way to add to the patronus message that she was with Draco to dispel the shock that led to Hermione binding him, Draco should've seen it coming. He behaved abominably to Luna and she's very much enabling him to continue by placating him the way she did.

I really hope their relationship gets healthier.

Love Moon x
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 13 . 5/23
Hello my darline Vine...

My apologies for being away from this story for so long. Personal things came up and had to be dealt with but I am so glad to be back here and what a wonderful greeting I got from our leading witch and wizard.

I love that they struggle to control the flying carpet... the one I'd forgotten they used as an escape method. I'll have to re-read the other chapters. As it is, I hopped straight back in where I left off.

The two burly men they polyjuiced into... I'm imagining Crabbe and Goyle on steroids! And protein shakes lol. I'm glad Draco got one over on the swindling wandmaker though. Bloody chancers. I'm curious where that shop was. I suppose Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade can't be the only magical shopping districts in the UK. It needs a fun name... I'll leave that with you lol

I loved the way the wind stole their breath and dried their airways. I can imagine that from the way you wrote it. You're always so descriptive and emotive with your writing. I've missed diving into it.

Looking forward to the rest... and I'm glad Luna is ok. Kudos for giving them freedom.

Love Moon x
I want to be a Bookcat chapter 14 . 3/24
I think this chapter is really interesting as it shows us new traits about Luna and Draco.
Or maybe not so new at all if I think about it more seeing that Draco was addicted to drugs we already know that he doesn’t seem to know how to cope with his feelings in a healthy way. This chapter shows this pattern again. Furthermore he’s a murderer and traumatized, which adds to not being a stable partner I guess. Anyway I agree that her being scared is a red flag. But story-wise I like it. From the beginning of the story Draco was quite fucked up an Luna was calculating. If they lost this traits only because they are in love for a few weeks... I don’t think that would be too realistic or logical.
So all of this was really well written.

I’m curious if their relationship’s going to last. On the one hand I wish on the other hand, up until now it feels to me like they work good together in dangerous or uncommon situations but not in daily life.

I really enjoy reading! :)
I want to be a Bookcat chapter 13 . 3/24
I was so pulled in by your Story That i didn‘t Review yet. So better late than Never i guess

I really want to compliment your ability to write such amazing characters. Not only are they believable, they are also so likeable and unique and seem quite real.
I abandoned a lot of stories with poorly written characters. So I enjoy the quality of your writing even more.

I also liked the storyline so far and I think the story’s pace is good too.
The only small negative thing I have to say is, that I think draco acting in love in front of narcissa and Snape felt like it was hurried. Or I missed what was leading up to it

Overall I love the story and I am so happy that I found it. So thank you for writing it :)
Tempest E. Dashon chapter 29 . 2/14
My little RavenVine,

How you have grown from the not so sure little bird to the flourishing sleek Raven that takes wing in the night sky and leads us all down the endlessly dark road of pain and despair, love and healing, life...and death. This fic of yours has caused all manner of emotions from happy to sad, angry to content, confused to enlightened and I have enjoyed the rollercoaster that it has been.

As a writer you have blossomed into the most bountiful of gardens and those of us who are still here have enjoyed walking through and seeing what shapes and colors and smells you can and do bring to life for us. I have started to see my own life in smells of rain soaked sky and sinful darkness and I thank you for giving me such potent words to describe the world around me. It has been eye opening.

I love how you brought them all together here in this final chapter! The apologies and the love, the healing and the friendship. You manage to make me love and hate every character at least once and I am impressed by that alone. You also managed to make me love Ron...which Im afraid means Hell may have frozen over but dont care now!

The candles at the end...fuck you Vine...tears! I am trying to write a Vday fluff for Claw and now I'm all weepy! Kudos for the imagery and the heart that you laid on the table. I promise to do my utter best to hold it gently in my hands and give it and you safe harbor when you need it most. All my love your way and I promise that wishes do come true...I have proof...I found you guys!

3 Amy
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 12 . 2/12

They're free... woohooooooo!

This was so intense, I loved it. It took me a hot second (that's the phrase right?) to realise what the bodies were for and what the fire was for at the end but I caught on quick enough. It reminds me of when I used to stuff pillows under my covers and a doll head poking out so I could sneak out. Obviously this is a bit darker than a ten year old wanting to go jump rope with her friends lol

Please tell me the scapegoat Snatcher was Scabior... he was so smarmy in the film I wanted to slap him.

It was a shame Narcissa didn't find out the plan but in a way it should be safer for her to not know. I'm curious if Voldemort will be suspicious though? Will they all just assume the wards got set off somehow and incinerated Draco and Luna? That's so harsh for Narcissa. All she wanted to do was keep Draco safe and now she has to live through the rest of war thinking he's dead. I want to hug her. On the other hand, as long as they stay out of sight at least they won't be being hunted.

The Dark Mark on Draco's arm could cause some issues though. I assume they get rid of that somehow. Oh this throws up so many questions. I almost wanted them to get caught for the drama but I wouldn't have been able to read the punishments so I'm glad they escaped.

Crossed off another chapter on the tally of 'read chapters' and it was such an awesome one. The idea of Draco and Luna - both purebloods - doing stuff without magic though is making me laugh. Good luck kids!

Love and Blessings as always
Moon x
Acantha Rayne Oak-Moon chapter 11 . 2/11
Wow, this chapter had me giggling. You are a master at the type of fluff that paints over angst like marshmallow over razor blades (not sure where that similie came from bit i like it so im sticking with it).

I'm so pleased he's cutting down on the 'recreational' potion usage. DOLD seems like a dangerous thing to take often and the Dreamless Sleep is just a bad idea. Dreams are how one works through issues and emotions. And they're cuddling at night... so cute... like a box full of Cerberus puppies - 4 bodies and 12 heads lol.

The Lucius and Abraxas interactions are fun. I like how you're portraying Abraxas and I really hope the Cassandra portrait comes in handy at some point or at least shows up and is restored to the Manor. I like that witch. And the wedding question was asked so perfectly. I notice they avoided that little talk - mostly.

Bellatrix being useful? Well I suppose it had to happen at some point for someone other than The Dark Lord. I haven't done much with her... Dash made her sort of present in Storm. I think you're the first to actually make her useful. Can't wait for that drama. The stuff you mentioned with Andi and the money seems like quite the plot point... looking forward to where that goes. I'm so following that paper trail... or in this case... metal trail. 500,000G is a lot.

Loving pixies is priceless. That whole conversation was adorable with Draco's insecurity and Luna's reassurance. I so wanted to be them in that moment. And ooooo one week till the Great Escape. Drama, drama, drama. Love it. I assume the Narcissa chat is imminent. Ooooooo.

Love and Blessings
Moon x
Slytherclaw Black chapter 19 . 2/11
OMFG! I just noticed this story is over 100k words. That's it... there's no way you are convincing me that you're human. Nope. No way. Never. This is insanity but also awe-inspiring. You're a beast!

Oh my... we want from that tattoo and straight to it. I ain't mad about it though. *fans self*

I giggled at Draco almost sitting in her lap. Of course, he still doesn't trust her around Harry. Poor darling. I reckon he can make a move on Hermione though. *wink wink*

"Don't say the V-word" I know this was a serious moment but damn if I didn't laugh.

Of course, he needs the reassurance of you saying you love him, Luna. Sometimes she makes me want to introduce my head to my desk.
Good on her though for telling Harry about how Hermione feels.
That dove and what it represents just gutted me.

And of course, Draco would cast all of those cleansing charms on her. LMAO. Possessive bastard.

Uncle Ronnie. I'm dead.

Awwww... hes got a part of his family!

All of my love
Tempest E. Dashon chapter 28 . 2/10
Oh thank the Maker! I was like WTF is he in jail and the trio has not gone to help. Then I realized its cause ding dong Luna did not go tell them and apparently neither did Snape. And speaking of HG and Snape...where is her apology over her words? I expect you plan to give us that bit of humbleness and maybe bonding on a guardian level...yes? *hopeful eyes*
Go get em Gryffindors!

O.o Harry sly little half-Slytherin. I do so love when he lets his 'dark lord' side out to play. Creating memories that show Draybae as stellar of him! I guess I can forgive his few moments of idiocy for that! He is forgiven...yes!

Aww and then the reunion of our wonderful ship. They are so ridiculous in their bond but's just so heart warming it makes me cringe and smile at the same time. My Hufflepuff and Slytherin are warring in my head on who gets to react right now lol. You cause so much chaos in my head it is amazing I can think to write or read after I have finished one of your updates. And I did three in one day. I deserve a vacation in St. Mungo's for the mentally deranged lol.

I cannot wait to see where you go from here. I am looking forward to the end and what you do with it. Oh and all those people after Luna...HP and HG need to take care of that too. This is getting out of hand!

Coming to visit Bellasima,
Tempest E. Dashon chapter 27 . 2/10
This time I read it from top to bottom cause I want to know what the hell you have done Vine! And I must say I hate your Blaise. How do you do that?

You just paint this third dimensional picture of the character your way and its like you erase any thoughts I had on that person and turn them into something else. I am not even sure I can lay your characters near mine anymore as I am afraid what effect it will have on how I perceive them when I write them! Which was my long winded way of saying fucking bravo there witch cause dayum! He is a complete and utter, heartless asshat!

The messed up part is if he was going after anyone but Draybae in that manner I would be swooning over him lol. So maybe its just who you chose to attack with him that makes me hate him hahaha! At least he is able to help find Luna's dad and he offered to protect him by helping him escape. Sadly he had to do it in such a fuck it kind of whatever attitude...damn cold hearted Italian. (might have swooned a little)

NO! Not Theo! Merlin Dammit Vine! Now I am pissed off! You give us the smells of stolen gold and night sexy Theo and then you kill him. UGH woman I am so not happy with you right now. Poor Theo...and then Pansy too. Gah how is Draco ever going to be the same or recover when you keep shredding his heart with your wood chipper plot line. You are evil!

O.o I am so glad that Ron fucked Luc up like he did! Poor Luna! I have every faith that Severus can fix it in time and I am sticking to that because you have damaged our main ship too much as it is. You are a mean as a snake author. I am taking away Draco when this is all over. You cannot be trusted with him anymore. The heart ache... (also...*stabs Blaise in the jugular* Asshole!)

Aww he fixed her hair. How domestic of him and yet so very Narcissa's son of him lol. I loved that. I love that him and HG have this bond that even Harry can't get in the way of now. It's soul soothing after the shit you have put us through here!

D.E.D...the peacock fiasco and then the inside joke about ten thousand gallons...had me chocking on laughter. I love how you can throw such a vivid memory of them in the story like that that can actually make you smile and laugh even as your heart bleeds out in your chest. Kudos to you for that feat witch!

*throws every shoe I have at you*
Stupid fucking ministry! I hate them so much. I even write them this way and it can't seem to be helped. Destruction, devastation, oh yes and lets add in idiotic, pompous government bureaucracy to the mix! How many more chapters do you have woman? I am not sure my heart can take much more of this. I need my HEA dammit!

No wishes for you!
Tempest E. Dashon chapter 26 . 2/10
Ugh Vine! *hands my heart over now* That damn A/N had me aww-ing all over myself...GROSS woman! LOL

As I stated while I was beta-ing...dammit Vine you are making me want the side ship to now be Sevione. All that fussing he is doing. It's only because he cares and he is not soft in how he shows it. I love that he is mumbling insults and being a right bastard while still ensuring her health. Had me laughing and shaking my damn head at him.

Then he compliments Luna with his looks and words over saving Draybae. I am in shock...totally shook...I think I just died or hell froze over. Someone get Professor Snape a potion of snark...STAT! I do love that Luna saved Draybae from that spell though. Crafty little Ravenclaw witch!

O.o Hermione! *gasp* I cannot believe she went and attack him like that. Of course she has yet to know all the facts and she will be bowing and scraping in humble apology soon enough. I did enjoy giving you ideas of what to write. You are such a sweetheart and I love that you were having trouble finding shithead HG words. I am also glad I am enough of an asshole to provide them with no such trouble hahahaha! 3 (Though may I say the ones you had on your own first were stellar my sweet Ravenpuff-Vine)

O.o Draybae's baby! Now now Snape...such fanciful thoughts you give us readers. Sadly's Harry's baby and because Vine is incredible at making Ron freaking awesome and Harry an idiot...I find myself pouting that it isn't Ron's or Draco's instead lol. Such conflicting emotions today! Awww their best that!

I know I try to review every few moments but the whole moment with Snape and Luna and Dray had me captivated. I know you made this chapter long but I almost wish you had gone into more detail on the aura thing so I know exactly what blue means when she is looking at it and how it came about for Snape. I think I caught the gist but you know me...I'm greedy for words and detail and words lol!

I love that in the moment Luna lost herself to instinct and took out the Death Eater and I like that you have her dealing with that now. No remorse but a sense of trying to understand who she is now that she knows she can be pushed to that limit. Brilliant play on the mind fuck that is war!

You had me tearing up when Snape held Draco. We all know how it kills us inside when he does that kind of crap. I had him hugging have him hugging Draco and we all just fall apart inside at such a strong, lock away wizard can have a moment of compassion and love and relief that the ones he does love are safe. I swear to Salazar...just picturing the man's moment of cracks makes me a better writer all around!

And then she lets it leak out over Draco. I totally understand her break there. To be so optimistic and full of life. To want to try to save everyone you can only to be the one to have to snuff out someone's soul must be so heartbreaking. I like the fact that Draco knows her mind is going to have to break to right itself again and he just asks her to make it to a certain point before she does. It shows that he loves her but that he is still Draco...needing her support and love to make it through all that is coming before she can rest.

I thought the scene with Narcissa and Andi was beautiful and heart wrenching. I loved that Draco had to step in and offer the formal replies as Luna is just not raised that way lol. I am glad to see that the Black's are taking it all so well but then again they have been through so much makes sense.

Ugh woman! Ron and Draybae and their banter is fucking ridiculous and yet I cannot help but want so much more of it. The back and forth about his dad had me smiling even though my heart hurts over Luna's tears and the deaths you did allow to happen. I need a Severus hug now please!

And I really need that hug now...poor Tonks! Did you have to take out Tonks? I hated that JKR killed her and Remus. It was such utter unfairness for poor Teddy. I love how you have Luna refusing to lie to him in the end as well. He deserves to know. If you hide the mistakes of the past...they are bound to be repeated!

I loved it Vine. That is all!
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