Reviews for DBH: Value of Life
BeckTheProgram chapter 21 . 3/11
I can't wait to see her starting school and Connor being an anxious cinnamon roll waiting for her to get off the bus XD
Curious Reader chapter 16 . 2/15
And down he goes... Bad Connor ignoring his own health!
Curious Reader chapter 15 . 2/10
Sounds like a storm is on the horizon so to speak...
Curious Reader chapter 1 . 1/29
Connor risked his life to save a baby and now he has given her a name... uh-oh!
Nachours chapter 9 . 1/28
Awwww ️ My bottom lip wobbled so much when I realized what the letter was. I still have a knot in my throat... Trying to swallow my tears so my family suspects nothing.
Nachours chapter 4 . 1/26
This is such a new concept in the world of DBH fanfiction. Seeing Connor develop paternal emotions is refreshing and quite honestly adorable!
Refugeeoftumblr chapter 9 . 1/12
Damn this has been a ride. I felt awful for Hannah's parents, but so damn proud of them for doing their best under harsh circumstances. I'm also feeling so proud for Connor and Hank, who are loving and protecting Hannah as the family she needs. Thank you so much for writing this! It's so sweet.
Refugeeoftumblr chapter 3 . 1/12
Aw! Connor gets a daughter! :D
Guest chapter 10 . 12/26/2019
It's will be weird af when that kid grows up and her dad doesn't get older.
Nora Renovisha chapter 10 . 12/26/2019
wait? why?, oh well they leave happily at the end. that is all that matters
and curious reader! No! I always have heart attacks every time Connor in the edge of dying! so I am happy he and his families are ok
Author great job.
Guest chapter 10 . 12/23/2019
Good ending! Everything worked out perfectly in the end!
Curious Reader chapter 10 . 12/23/2019
Two chapters in one day, cool! I hope you do keep this up from time to time. It's too bad more people didn't read this story since it tackles a very interesting concept about rights and how being related to someone doesn't guarantee a happy or good family. Maybe if you threw in a chapter where Connor was almost killed more people would pay attention, but don't let those ghouls dictate your stories. In a way it's also good that you don't have someone leaving spam comments and links in this story like they did to your last one. Anyway good story and have a nice holiday!
Curious Reader chapter 9 . 12/23/2019
Aww... That's so sweet!
Curious Reader chapter 8 . 12/22/2019
Hell yeah! Justice for Connor and Hannah!
Curious Reader chapter 7 . 12/21/2019
What?! He has to go to court?! Unfair!
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