Reviews for Why Suna Hates Team 7
Le055Li0n chapter 11 . 7/20
I refuse to kill you. It's bad for business. Nice chapter.
Sakihinata chapter 11 . 7/19
Cute ;)
LauriumNox chapter 10 . 6/2
Take all the time you need! 3 Stress sucks and if stopping stories for a bit helps you then by all means take some time off. Hope all is okay and that you feel better.
ladyres chapter 10 . 6/1
Take your time we will be here when you upload again
Le055Li0n chapter 9 . 5/16
I love this story.
Le055Li0n chapter 8 . 5/1
hey, the chapter was still fun.
Le055Li0n chapter 7 . 4/7
Suna is in for a wild ride.
ta.shrivastava chapter 7 . 4/5
What an amusing story.

While I know that there is a lot of humor within currently, I do think it has the potential to turn into a story with both humor and seriousness in the future.
ja.gentile98 chapter 6 . 3/14
Great story, I like it so far. Pacing is a little fast, it would nice to have things more fleshed out but I suppose rushong through the pre graduation period isnt too bad. Scene changes arent obvious, one sentece they were being told they passed the bell test and the next they were on a d-rank with no indication of the scene change. Other than that I like the use of unusual or rarely seen specialisations for team 7. I can't wait fpr the next chapter
Le055Li0n chapter 6 . 3/14
Heh, great chapter.
RysingEmbers chapter 5 . 2/23
I’m exited to see what happens in the Chuunin exams, because of Kabuto, and all of that.
Saujana 1991 chapter 4 . 2/20
a bit cliche but funny too. because they are still young and not have any experience with this situation. keep continuing to expand the development of their character. can wait for the next chapter.
Luna Bakura chapter 4 . 2/2
Yes they are very cute
Iamfreakingout chapter 4 . 1/31
now it is shaping up I sup[pose for how they got into that stuff yay
Le055Li0n chapter 4 . 1/31
And I am now hooked.
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