Reviews for The Collector
ndabdm chapter 8 . 7/1
All of your base are belong to us
ndabdm chapter 7 . 7/1
Oh yeah... she effectively has an infinite amount of cash... rip economy if she decides to ruin it...
Kknd2 chapter 10 . 6/30
Because nothing keeps you from stripping your enemies to their skivvies with your ancient super-tech. So of course the running gag continues and is weaponized!

I do enjoy that comedic aspect of the story. From the histrionics that Trazyn want's to indulge in and Taylor's frustration with it, to the ludicrously over-lethal nature of Necron canoptek.

Here is the fun thought: What happened in Coil's other timeline that he picked the one where his troops where humiliated like this?
Kknd2 chapter 5 . 6/30
I for one actually like your idea for dealing with the Trio. It is a remarkably nasty situation and thus fits entirely into Worm's flavor.
bravesleeper chapter 1 . 6/12
"kleptomaniac robot skeleton" hmmm...
A fine additation to my fanfic(lightsaber) collection.
Andorxor chapter 10 . 4/27
And that was the outcome that Coil choose over the alternate
Earthly Entity chapter 10 . 4/24
More pwease, epic sauce OwO
brnicholas chapter 10 . 4/11
This is fun story. I hope it isn't dead I would love to see more!

One suggestion for improvement. Please add some type of symbol to indicate scene breaks. I was confused more then once when reading this story by unmarked time skips. For example in this chapter between "I hate it when you're right" and "the bus dropped me off."

Thanks for all your hard work!

Gasmaskbro chapter 10 . 4/9
I must say that I'm quiet in love with your version of the story so far. I've admittedly not completed reading through the Worm series so far, so I don't know if some of the things you've done are changes or head canon, but I personally love the way you dealt with Taylor and Emma, not to mention their respective fathers far more than what I've seen in the canon story (and personally agree that Emma's dad is a triple S grade dick for what he did). You've been doing a good job of both staying true to how Taylor felt but keeping her far happier and upbeat, which is a nice change of pace from other Worm stories where she's either wildly out of character or annoyingly pathetic. I don't know if you're still updating or not but I hope you are because I'm eagerly looking forwards to more.

However, there is one part of your story I don't care for. The "prolog". I've never been a fan of that kind of chapter where someone drops scenes from the end or near the end of the story at the front because I now know for a fact that a lot of characters are still alive/fine making a lot of potential tension disappear. Now even if you do have Taylor suffer a seemingly mortal blow or seem like she might have to kill a major hero, I know that she/they will be fine.

Still want to read more though.
Djberneman chapter 10 . 4/6
That was a very interesting response. I wonder how coil will take it.
Tharl chapter 7 . 3/27
Uber and Leet being portrayed in a sympathetic manner! Danny and Alan being adults with functioning brains who are actually friends! All of this depicted with absolutely flawless spellung and grammar. Be still my heart!
Tharl chapter 5 . 3/27
Plot. Twist. I LOVE IT! Emma being blackmailed by Sophia? This is getting good!
Tharl chapter 1 . 3/27
Hahaha! That is a PHENOMENAL first chapter! Oh my goodness, the characterization is already spot on and hilarious. You are not prepared for Trazyn-Taylor, Armsmaster!
Jack Inqu chapter 10 . 3/23
I just found this story, and I'm loving it so far. :) I hope you're staying safe and healthy.

Take care, good luck, and I look forward to your next update.
ATP chapter 10 . 3/22
is one thing kill enemies in seconds,but disarming and humilitating them is better.
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