Reviews for Legacy of the Dark Slayer
Kuman chapter 3 . 3h
The Arc "Matriarch". Not Patriarch. Since Jeanne is female then its matriarch.
merendinoemiliano chapter 30 . 10/1
Very cool fight and atmosphere
Foxsky Harem Emperor 2015 chapter 30 . 9/30
I can wait for Winter to meet Noir will they fight with their words or swords. also love how Ruby reacted to Jaune's Arm but I felt like she would doe something like molest it like the weapons fetish nut we all know and love.
Dasgun chapter 30 . 9/30
MonarchRuby chapter 29 . 9/26
Curious what will be your rendition of the Breach. Let's rock!
GeraltRex chapter 28 . 9/17
Something to note. When you talk about Nora lifting weights. A ton is already 2,000 lbs. So unless you are saying that Nora can lift over 1 million pounds. Tons is the wrong word. Other than that, good story. Love reading this, this is an exciting crossover
merendinoemiliano chapter 29 . 9/17
Nice job
Dasgun chapter 29 . 9/17
Foxsky Harem Emperor 2015 chapter 29 . 9/16
This chapter was amazing it almost bright grown man to cry when you bought up Fenris.
The Baz chapter 4 . 9/15
A Harambe reference? To soon.
InZany chapter 28 . 9/10
I honestly don't get why this doesn't have that much more favorites or follows, or maybe it's just me. I think you do a great job with writing, although there are times where you have a bit more downs than ups. but that's okay. You can still grow. Curious to see more of this, bro :D
MonarchRuby chapter 28 . 9/9
Well, Blake did need more of a wake up call that was from the outside, so I'd say it's alright.

Yo, what? How does she consider that a victory? Bitch is high. She clearly saw Achroma trying to remove her program. He could have very well remove it! She fucking stupid.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/7
Rugal's last words definitely fits with SNK's narmy English. I like this! And Jaune gets two redheads. Such an obvious type. He gonna get others too?
Guest chapter 27 . 8/29
Ha! Serves that idiot right. Never mess with Hunters-in-training.
MonarchRuby chapter 27 . 8/29
It was pretty much expected that Jaune would kick team RWBY's ass. He's gone through fighting the Savior when he's around 15and managed to beat Rugal a few months before he went to Beacon. They really don't got nothing against him.

On the other hand, it's nice that you're giving them the spotlight as well. I'm honestly curious as to how the demon hunting classes are gonna look like. Best of luck
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