Reviews for Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold- The Cold, Civil War
Roxhall1 chapter 4 . 4/23
continue with the remainder
of the story, please
andrewpine chapter 3 . 2/29
She has been a vampire for six years she is no were close to being a newborn.
I pushed myself through the first story hoping it got better but I am done with this one since it seems to just wander along leaving all kinds of plot holes.
andrewpine chapter 1 . 2/29
Are you going to tie up all of the loose ends from the first story of just blow them off?I
What happened to everyone and why in hell did she not kill Aro?
jeoliverio chapter 1 . 2/16
I hope you continue I really like this story
Roxhall1 chapter 1 . 1/22
please continue soon
Roxhall1 chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
please, I need more.. update. soon, thanks