Reviews for Herald of Time and Space
Lord-of-Change chapter 34 . 7/27
As a guy mostly familiar with the Witcher series through the video games (and lately the Netflix show), I keep forgetting these fascinating little tidbits about Ciri's backstory, like the fact that she used to run around with bandits for a time. And I really like the way you weave that bit of backstory into the plot itself here, with the way she shows pity and compassion to people that everyone else feels no remorse about butchering to the last man.
jigga51 chapter 34 . 7/26
Damn. Hawke's a badass. Olgierd seems to be suspicious of Blackwall. I'm curious who's secret comes out first? Solas or Blackwall?
Prince of Petersburg chapter 34 . 7/26
Ok I’m sorry but this is it, this is the moment that I shall stop read and never return ever again. Your story is amazing as ever, but as if having Anders, my most hated character of the whole series alive and have Hawke romance him is not bad enough, you now decide to have Hawke defend him! I understand that your Hawke is a mage thus she could personally understand what Anders have done, but understand it does not mean I have to like and accept it. To me Anders is a liar, a hypocrite, a murderer, all at the same time and nothing more, his crime is too great to be merely killed, he should be made tranquil and keep as a trophy of templars to remind mages the price of murder! But you not only decide to let him alive but have Hawke defend his action! Sorry but this Hawke is no champion of mine! If she decide to support this murderer’s action whole heartedly, then she should’ve been put down with those mages in Kirkwall or left to the fade to die. It’s your choice if you want to make this your canon Hawke, and it is also my choice to not disgust myself any further with this Hawke of yours and Anders.
That said, your story is still amazing. I would not mind to recommend it to others, maybe some of them also like Anders like you do. But I shall stop from now on. Wish you luck with this story.
etheral-23 chapter 34 . 7/26
an entertaining chapter like always

but I think you made a mistake regarding terminology; Mortalitasi refers to the order of the Nevarran necromancers, any mage from there is called such

Dorian is not a member of that order, much less nevarran. So even though it has bad implications, the term for a mage like him is necromancer
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 34 . 7/26
good chapter we meet stroud and Hawk has joined the party
EarthBorn93 chapter 33 . 7/19
If there is one mystery I haven't been able decipher its who this spirit posing as Avallac'h (if it is a spirit and not something more) is. I wonder what's his relation to all this? Is he someone I could know, or is he your own addition? No need to tell me of course. Just pondering out loud.

Apparently not an ally to Solas though. And has taken a special interest in Ciri for some reason.

Even in Dragon-Age Origins there was always a feeling there was more going on than we could see. The way Flemeth was constantly meddling for reasons unknown. Unexplained mysteries we came across along the way. Only in Inquisition did we start to get a clearer picture. Even so I suspect there is more to learn. The context of events of past games may end up entirely restructured by the time we reach the story's end.

The Chantry seems to be roping Ciri ever deeper. This is not going to end well, I just know it. Still, studying the Chant may be a useful endeavor even if one does not believe. It reveals a great deal of how Thedosians think and why. The Chant, the Blights and the legacy of Tevinter are foundations that create modern Thedas, and so it is wise to study all three. Of course the older world is important too, yielding clues as to how these foundations came to be in the first place.
Lord-of-Change chapter 33 . 7/19
And the political intrigue grows ever deeper, with Orlais being its usual pain in the ass. And nice to see Ciri struggling with and reflecting on her choices as she's more and more forced into a role she so desperately tried to escape from in the past.
jigga51 chapter 33 . 7/19
So, Ciri will remember her talks with Avalhloc'h now huh? Does she remember all of them, or just this one, I wonder?

For the life of me I can't remember anything with a Papillion. Is that from the game and I just don't remember? Or something you came up with?

And she gets a new sword.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 33 . 7/19
Good chapter Ciri got a new sword Cole helped and chilurch people we’re useful
gingeralesy chapter 32 . 7/18
I'm finally caught up. This has been a really wonderful to read. I love the inclusion of all the little stories that are so easy to miss in both games.
Lord-of-Change chapter 32 . 7/13
The title of this chapter fits quite well with it's overall theme, that of closeness and closure for more than just Ciri. As always, best part is Ciri's interaction with Solas as he's being very helpful and supportive of Ciri while still being his usual arrogant self.
jigga51 chapter 32 . 7/12
Solas always somehow ends up stealing the chapter. Not a whole lot to say on this chapter, other than the trial. I can't remember what I did with Alexis when I played DA:I, I was just always pissed that you can't kill him right off the bat in Redcliffe.
EarthBorn93 chapter 32 . 7/12
I see Ciri and Owain are starting to get closer. At this rate even when she gets the ability to return home, will she want to? At least when her ability to travel between worlds is restored the matter will cease to be an issue. She will be able to visit the world of her origin whenever she likes.

She did a wise choice in not absorbing the mark. With power there is always a temptation to abuse it. With that power combined with hers she would no longer need anyone's consent to do what she desires. The opinions of others would become optional considerations, overridden on the first whim to ignore them. The ability to shape everything just as you want it with no oversight or restraint other than yourself? One can see how such unlimited power could corrupt even the most resolute soul. She could resist the allure, certainly, but always the risk would remain. I suspect this the trap the Enavuris fell to. Best steer clear of the temptation altogether.

Then again she likely regards exeptionality and power as a burden given her life experiences.

Also not an inaccurate comparison concerning Solas. Discovering the truth about him will spectacular to read. Perhaps even more spectacular than the reveal in the original material.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 32 . 7/12
Good chapter also Ciri slowly figuring out Solas isn’t form this time and Her and Owain are cute
jigga51 chapter 31 . 7/11
A good philosophical question I suppose. Does to much power warp perception? Or is the person with that much power just on another plane for lack of a better word?

Solas never struck me as someone who looked at people as nothing (I'm having a hard time explaining what I mean, hopefully you understand me in spite of this). He struck me as someone who was willing to sacrifice anyone for his goal of destroying the veil, and restoring the ancient Elves, including (if romanced in DA:I) the woman he loved.
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