Reviews for The Friendship Duel
lubelle321 chapter 1 . 5/20
this was SO MUCH FUN to read!
SammieTheWonderFox chapter 1 . 5/18
Everybody paint their nails red, white, or pink while drinking orange juice on behalf of Marinette. XD
(Loved your story btw)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8
RIP peaceful afternoon
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24
i love this !
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15
:') I love kagami so much FRIENDSHIP !
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 3/3
I say replace the swords with blunt ones and let them duel. And Kagami should win cuz Alya fricken sides with Lila too much and accuses Marinette of jealous whenever Mari tries to expose the lies.
Savvywolf chapter 1 . 2/29
HAHAHAHA! I loved this, my only problem with salt fics is that there doesn't seem to be an apology at the end and having Alya apologize here felt more natural. Not everything is perfect yet but things can improve and I like that. Thanks for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14
I think the best line (among many great lines) is:

"She wants Marinette to be her best friend," Alix shrugged, "I think she knows what a good friend is when she sees one."
sakura240 chapter 1 . 2/5
admittedly, I never watched an episode with kagami. I stopped quite a while back and when I learned of the episode where everybody turned on Marinette in favor of lila...I just lost all motivation in watching the show. but honestly, I love kagami and Luka despite not watching them at all. idk, the idea of them makes me happy. that while we all love adrinette, ladynoir, marichat, and ladrien, the fact that there is another option for them makes me invested in their love life.

but people hating on kagami made me sad. and I have never even seen an episode with her! regardless, I just kinda liked her and the idea of Marinette being friends with this girl who likes Adrien too but both are supportive of each other is so adorable! I can see Marinette wanting Adrien's happiness over her own and that to me is love.

and back to everybody turning on Marinette, that made me so pissed. I can see maybe half of them doing so. but Alya doing that!? I dont understand what prompt the writers to go with that! it doesnt make sense! idk, maybe one day I'll go back to watching the entire series but right now I have no desire. all I have is the love for season 1 especially and reading fanfics of my favorite superhero duo.

but anyway, thanks for this story, it was a wonderful read! I love KagamixMarinette friendship. best platonic relationship other than Marinette and Alya.
marketeerbubbles chapter 1 . 1/29
HAHAHAHAAH! Brilliant! Although... I feel for the pony in the middle!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
LMAO. Though, I LOVE IT!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18
siren8484 chapter 1 . 1/14
I so want this to happen !
TheManiacalMadman chapter 1 . 1/11
And now I think it would be funny if Kagami also kept Adrien's weekly schedule in her bedroom because she is Not So Above It All.

In fact, that is my headcanon for this fic.
writeringoodfaith chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
This was so good! I loved how you nailed Kagami's stilted way of speaking and her methodical one-track mind also. Alya being called out was painful (I don't personally think she's that bad - are all your recurring references to her lumping the twins and Chris with Marinette for dates as well as Marinette looking awful and tired and not eating with Alya not noticing at all based on an episode I missed or something?) but the arguments were convincing AND she came through in the end, which is what I love the most about Alya. She's flawed but her heart is in the right place.
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