Reviews for You Can Be My Hero
ThatSexyShikamaru chapter 2 . 4/26
Nice story are you still doing it?
Crimson Eyed Prince chapter 2 . 3/20
Ohhh. I absolutely love this. I do hope you continue this story. It has such a good premise.
Kaiser Chris chapter 2 . 2/29
Why didn't Toga transform into Izuku when she drank his blood? Is it because her quirk is still developing?
Dragon Man 180 chapter 2 . 2/27
Himiko's parents are jerks and I hope her bodyguard is letting her spend time with Izuku because it's good for her.
Cylon One chapter 2 . 2/16
That was another cute chapter.
Just loved Izuku and Toga going around that tree and keeping on missing each other.
Cute and classic.
While Izuku is willing to share blood to help Toga, I hope he's not previously hurt every time they meet.
Gonna take a guess and say that the one that spied on them from the bushes was not Toga's bodyguard.
I'm fine with seeing the Izuku and Toga as they are right now for a few more chapters before we jump ahead to the present when they're at the teen years.
Nice work.
Cylon One chapter 1 . 2/15
This is one of the coolest things I could ever see happen.
And actually one of the cutest too.
Toga meeting Izuka when they were little and before she became a bloodthirsty psychopath.
Well, a psychopath, anyway.
Will this turn of the events change Toga from becoming said psychopath?
Time will tell and I'll be there to find out.
Also to see if she tries for the hero route like Izuku.
Phoenix chapter 2 . 1/17
This is interesting I kind of want to see where this goes.
Mark the Mark chapter 2 . 1/12
adorable kids
James Birdsong chapter 2 . 1/9
Wonderful two chapters. I’m so glad I discovered this. I’m so glad you wrote this.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/8
Aww this is so cute
Ri2 chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
Oh my god this is so ADORABLE
bajy chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
looking forward to reading the next chapter
Reptil chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
So adorable keep up the good work. When will she learn she can look like people.
EndlessChains chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
A well done chapter. It was endearing to read how the two children were excited to meet with one another again. It adorable and kind of sad with their inner monologue at the thought of the other not wanting to meet the other, but they were just on one side of the tree. Quite amusing they met up again and Izuku helped her with giving her blood to keep her just a bit more sane. Wonder who was looking at them though. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
Draconic king chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
This is actually pretty wholesome, giving toga a more vampiric quirk instead of her being insane really works XD
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