Reviews for The Mind Mage
gaul1 chapter 5 . 1/4
Good chapter?”, keep up the good work, byes
Alex chapter 5 . 1/1
I hope for Harmony as the main pairing. I love Harmony! I'd love to see Daphne with Ginny and Luna with Neville. Thanks for writing!
Alex chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
I hope for Harmony as the main pairing. I love Harmony! I'd love to see Daphne with Ginny and Luna with Neville. Thanks for writing!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
I hope for Harmony as the main pairing. I love Harmony! I'd love to see Daphne with Ginny, Luna with Neville. Thanks for writing!
Jessi Granger chapter 5 . 1/1
Great story! I hope for Harmony as the main pairing. I love Harmony! I'd love to see Daphne with Ginny and Luna with Neville. Thanks for writing!
ygrekks chapter 2 . 1/1
Also: Holy fuck, did McGonagall really did ignore that he's being tortured? That's a new level of bad.

The second chapter really didn't offer much character development for Harry, while Hermione again got some more. I mean discarding teachers as a form of ultimate authority is one thing, but insulting teachers right after is a little too much to be believable I think.
ygrekks chapter 1 . 1/1
So I'm 1 chapter in and I'm kinda lost - I thought this will be a story about Harry discovering Mind Magic in a form of accidental magic as a child, but it looks like he's going to learn about this in his 5th year? I also thought that the horrors he faced would be about his time at the Dursleys, which would tie nicely to my previous point, but it seems like both of those assumptions were wrong.
Anyway, as far as the first chapter is concerned, there was nothing really new, at least when Harry is concerned - he's still the same silly boy from canon, but Hermione losing faith in the authority was a surprise, to be honest, but because we just began the story, this came out of nowhere.
Galligar chapter 4 . 1/1
I can't seem to read chapter 5, it shows that it exists but the app doesn't let me view it. I'll leave a review when it fixes itself...
CoolFanfictionLover chapter 5 . 1/1
great going harry what a way to boost Neville confidence
ravage21133 chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Would prefer Harry x Daphne or Harry x OC but thats just me.
josht1987 chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
I like the story. But, you're over-doing the americanisms. "Hell yeah" almost got me. If you cool it on those, it will be a great story.
stevefocus chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Good story so far, looking forward to the next chapter.
Flytype chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Nice one!
jkarr chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
nice update
Zoom99 chapter 5 . 12/31/2019
Why not Hermione and Daphne?
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