Reviews for Unfound Revenge A Smashing Tale of Reform
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 17 . 3/16
Alright, finished up here, and am now gonna check out the first chapter of Black Dawn. Pretty good ending overall, the one concern I have is that the Demonrift’s Reality Alteration could make any conflicts null and void, since all Moon has to do is write in it that whatever villain they’re fighting ‘is now on their side,’ which could take away tension, even if Moon says that he’d only alter timelines and such in the most dire of circumstances.

But yeah, I’ll go and read Black Dawn’s beginning now while I wait for the next chapter of A New Dawn to upload. Great work!
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 16 . 3/13
Yeah, the virus has changed up my schedule drastically, my college is apparently closing for the rest of the semester and we have to use online courses for the rest of the semester. No idea how that’ll work for my Art class but whatever.

Anyway, great chapter, the battle was well written as well. A sneak attack by Byleth was probably the best way to end it since you’ve made Dark Moon/Sarah pretty powerful, plus the inability to harm Zelda, Akira, etc. anyway, looking forward to the next chapter!
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 13 . 2/24
Nice chapter, it was fun to read. Didn't expect that this story would be ending so soon, haha, but then again there is the sequel, haha.

Anyway, is that Jesus Kirby a reference to the TerminalMontage animation, because if so that's hilarious. Jesus Kirby is entertaining as hell either way, lol. Twist was nice, didn't expect that, and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Btw, the Omake in the next AND chapter has a short reference to this story, since its Smash related. All it is, is a description of the limo and portal used to get to Smash that you had at the beginning of this story, since that made sense to me as a way for participants to get into smash... Anyway, great chapter, excited for the next.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 12 . 2/17
Great chapter, shapeshifting as an ability was an interesting one for Moon to get, and I’m interested to see how he’ll use it in future chapters and/or battles. Turning into a dragon or kraken is pretty useful when trying to intimidate people after all, haha.

Willow’s inclusion was great as well, you got her personality down well, with it also being subdued because of the grief from losing Sapphire but still able to slightly act liked old self, such as her offering to aid Moon even though it’d put her in danger of Giygas’ forces again, because that’s just what she’s like.

Man, wished I could’ve gotten to this earlier but I’ve been damn swamped all day with schoolwork, haven’t even had time to do my usual last minute checks and edits on A New Dawn’s next chapter, I’ll probably have to post it tomorrow, lol. Anyway, once again, great job, excited for the next chapter.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 11 . 2/10
Man, all I can think about right now is Mario waving his hands around doing the Italian gesture thing with his fingers while Moon looks on deadpan and dead inside lol.

Evil Palutena is pretty well written, I’d say that maybe she should have a bit more control over her temper to go with the ‘schemer in the darkness’ character you’ve given her, but overall I like it. It is hard to tell just from the title, but I’m going to guess that the sequel is the story involving Moon, Sarah, Ness, and Paula fixing corruption in a different cluster, just mostly due to the title of ‘black’ dawn.

Anyway, great chapter, looking forward to the next.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 10 . 2/3
Dear god, all I can imagine now is Sapphire Starr somehow finding out a small golden puppy could hold Saphira and not him, and he just throws his arms to the sides enraged. “What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?!” Haha. Eh, at least he has Casey.

As for your sequel ideas, I’d be interested in either one, since they both sound pretty intriguing, either fixing another corruption problem or a third crossover on his own without Sarah. I guess we’ll see which one you choose when we get there, haha. Anyway, great chapter, excited for the next.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 9 . 1/27
Bruh, wasn't expecting that one. Damn. I mean, in the original Super Mario Galaxy I always assumed Rosalina's storytime alluded to her being Mario and Peach's daughter, but I last played that a while ago and this was not a twist I expected, so great job.

I'm also interested in the sequels you spoke about since I can't possibly imagine where a sequel would occur after this story's climax and ending haha. I've got a few of my own planned out too after my stories are done, which might connect with BBOD since the Persona series has a spinoff series Persona Q that has the casts of P3, P4, and P5 interact.

Kinda weird not seeing Moon curse so much, 'freaking' coming out of his mouth is so weird lmao. I mean, it's just as weird for me to write AND Sapphire without cursing since he isn't infected by a literal world-ending monster, and I'm so used to BBOH Sapphire doing it so much as a plot point to show how corrupt Nightmare made him. Anyway, great chapter, excited for the next.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 8 . 1/27
Bruh, evil Mario speaking El-Italiano style is hilarious. Hell, it almost reminds me of that old Game Theory vid where they speculated that Mario was a sociopath or something similar. I agree that Sakurai shouldn't have been blasted like that since even if it's yet another FE character, the moveset seems pretty good and unique. Interested to see what ya do with Byleth. Anyway, good chapter, excited for the next.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 7 . 1/13
Great chapter, Seeing the Pokémon from AGAJ was great, and that does make sense with your stories being connected like that, haha. I'm interested in what you eventually do with Necrozma in your story, I already planned out what happens in my own, but if you do something to end up with Necozma ending up in Unfound Revenge that'll be pretty interesting!

Joker was great too, and I'm fine with the spoiler about Sapph's death, I'm pretty sure something like that is gonna be expected for dramatic purposes, and all that jazz. Still, since I'm planning on posting chapters for BBOD soon, just with incredibly slow updates so I can focus on AND and WA, you can probably get some good readings on the personality Joker's going to have for my story if you plan on using him more.

Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 6 . 1/6
Fun chapter, it’s good to see some dissent on what to do between characters, since that always makes things more interesting and it’s realistic since even when working towards the same goal everyone will have their own opinions on a matter!

Joker showing up so soon was surprising, but I’m really interested to see what happens with that going forward haha. If you need any extra info on the Persona Series or any questions on what happens in BBOD for this stories plot, you can PM me and I’d be happy to answer.

An example is that canonically, Joker’s gun is a model airsoft gun, and his knife is a fake, the only reason they even work is because his enemies assume they’re real, so they become real in the subconscious cognitive worlds of their enemies hearts lol. Not sure how they work in Smash, but probably some Smash world magic. Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter!
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 5 . 12/26/2019
Another enjoyable chapter, didn’t expect Bayonetta to show up with Link, but the explanation of her just appearing in Smash at some point with no reason whatsoever was pretty funny.

Interested to see what happens next and who gets saved next. Looking forward to the next chapter! I’m also going to follow again and hope that fixes my problem of not receiving updates, not sure what to do about not getting notifications about PM’s though.
PhoenixClaw2128 chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
I like the story so far, Mewtwo’s character is pretty accurate, and Meta Knight and King Dedede too, and while Dark Pit and Viridi seem just a bit too accepting of Moon’s plans, I can easily chalk that up to your version of Palutena being darker and them not trusting her and wanting to take her down.

I’m interested in where this goes, and future interactions. Definitely fun so far.