Reviews for All in Good Time
MissCordeliaBlythe chapter 5 . 7/29
So, cute!
midnightnettle chapter 5 . 5/31
pure Bliss.
thank you for giving us Jisbon shippers what we wanted and the series couldn't provide in explicit detail. I beg you, could you continue it?
Nunewesen chapter 5 . 2/2
LouiseKurylo chapter 5 . 1/5
Yes, a chapter of unadulterated bliss. (After 12? 13? years of foreplay and endless threats, danger, and confusion, about time.) Of course, for every summit, there's a valley. Waiting to see what might interfere.
LouiseKurylo chapter 4 . 1/5
Nice moment of anticipation and - for once - based on unambiguous indications from Jane. Here's hoping that obstacles (such as a crazed, out of control former lover or plot to trap a serial killer) don't interfere.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 5 . 12/18/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read. This one still has potential for more. If you decide to continue then please send me the links if not then I hope you have a nice Christmas and a Happy new Year.
breath-of-spring chapter 5 . 11/30/2019
Thank you for this wonderful story!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/27/2019
Great chapter! Thanks!
Guest chapter 2 . 11/27/2019
Excellent! I look forward to reading more.
missingJane chapter 4 . 11/28/2019
I am really enjoying this story but one thing is out of place. I think you made a small error in that Jane would not be going to the CBI. They returned to Austin, but the CBI is in California. I know, small thing but it could be confusing for some. Keep up the good writing!
Rosepeony chapter 4 . 11/28/2019
Sweet reflections. Thanks.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
Oh delightful and as unexpected as the end of the previous chapter. You just never know what dull ex-boyfriends might do.
Ilovetea chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
Very nicely written! Thanks for sharing - it’s always a pleasure to find a good new story!
Marcus’ attack may have been a bit over the top but it definitely surprised me - and that’s always a good thing :)
Looking very much forward to Jane and Lisbon’s developing relationship which you unfold very naturally and beautifully.
ANA chapter 2 . 11/25/2019
Sigue asi. Me has dejado intrigada.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/25/2019
Not what I had thought either! Just enjoying the fluff and then...
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