Reviews for Just Friends
augus10 chapter 18 . 2/20
So lovely. Amazing chapter. Amazing story. Thanks so much for sharing. Looking forward to the next one.
TARA chapter 18 . 2/18
So sad this story had come to an end. I really enjoyed reading it. It was amazing and I'm gonna miss it. The ending was just lovely. What more can you ask for. Upstead married and expecting. Can't wait for your next story. Thank you.
JONI chapter 18 . 2/18
Wonderful chapter. Loved it all. Embarrassed Upstead. Married Upstead. Expecting Upstead.
Thanks for an amazing story. Can't wait for the next one.
Elvira25 chapter 18 . 2/19
Sad to see this story has come to an end. really enjoying it a lot. It certainly was a great read and the ending was just lovely. Thanks so much for sharing.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/16
Awesome. Thank you.
Margie chapter 18 . 2/16
Such a sweet ending to a great story. Can't wait for another story of you. Thanks.
Britt chapter 18 . 2/16
Loved it. Thanks for sharing your story and looking forward to more.
existential1rony chapter 18 . 2/18
Sad to see this story end, I loved it! But what a cute wrapup it was.
nonna99 chapter 18 . 2/18
How embarrassed can you be. Vanessa smirking, Kevin still in shock. So funny the first part. The last part was just lovely. Married and having a baby. So cute.
Thanks for a great story and looking forward to the next one.
Lauren chapter 18 . 2/16
Loved this chapter. Loved this story. Sad it's coming to an end, but looking forward to more stories of you.
Ann chapter 18 . 2/16
Sad to see this story has come to an end, but it was a great one. Loved it a lot. Can't wait for another story of you.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/16
AMAZING! Thanks for a lovely story.
CPDSVU chapter 18 . 2/15
Well that was an amazing ending to this story! Yay for jay & hailey getting their happy ever after!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/11
such a good chapter! I loved it
Guest chapter 17 . 2/10
this story is amazing! love it so far
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