Reviews for The Kingdom of Eternal Winter
Guest chapter 27 . 7/23
I found tobias is a coward and stupid even if he is under a spell, he should be at least trustful he has proven himself a pathetic that even doesn't deserve to be loved.
expat24 chapter 27 . 7/23
Blasted Jeanine is at it again, she keeps Tobias under a very tight leash, i'm sure she figured out his game .. Here we are again with this truth serum ! I hope Tobias and Tris will manage to speak and clear the air about this silly misunderstanding.. I wonder what's become of Molly, she was bleeding so perhaps she just did not make it ? good chapter, look forward to the next one thanks again.
enj412 chapter 27 . 7/22
Oh no. I hate Jeanine and her form of truth serum. Ugh. I hope Tris is able to talk to Tobias soon. He has misunderstood and I hate that.
tarzane chapter 27 . 7/22
oh, poor tobiashe doesn't listen well, like all men hahaha

nice chapter!
goldensnitch1 chapter 27 . 7/22
Psycho queen is bringing out the big guns. Ugh. I hate her.
scarlett quagmire chapter 27 . 7/22
Bamcn24 chapter 26 . 7/10
What is happening? Mixed letters-ohh the intrigue
Bamcn24 chapter 25 . 7/10
It’s poison Tobias! Get it tested! Stop being naive about Jeanine!
guzmanjazmy chapter 26 . 7/4
great story so far! Keep it up.
expat24 chapter 26 . 7/2
Sounds like a Harry Potter book with all this magic! love this book of the Future..who wouldn't right?
Of course her future has been rewritten, she's not going to remain a plain poor boring girl from abnegation, her character and personality traits are plainly evident that she does not fit there! Incidently i would not put it past Jeanine to have interfered with it all somehow behind the scenes, she's a witch with bad black magic in my opinion - Love the letters falling off the page onto Tris' notebook... somebody's been very creative with a wonderful imaginary vision! Brilliant.. As much as we don't know the meaning i am sure there's a correlation with Tobias and his royal position. Look forward to the next update already - Thank you so much. Keep well and safe everybody.
BK2U chapter 26 . 7/1
Hmmm...what an odd experience she had with the Book of Truth! I hope that the letters will continue to sort themselves out as Tris progresses on her path to Tobias’s heart. I wonder if the confusion might be a result of Jeanine’s future meddling? I’m placing a bet on that having an impact on the jumbled letters.

Fun chapter!
goldensnitch1 chapter 26 . 7/1
Of course it’s being rewritten. Jeanine is messing with her. At least she got to take the letters with her. Maybe one day they can make sense.
enj412 chapter 26 . 7/1
Interesting. I wonder what the book of truth is trying to tell her. Thanks for updating. I miss Tobias.
AnnLiberty chapter 26 . 7/1
Yay! I did a little happy dance when I saw a new chapter was here. This story is just so sweet an enchanting; I'm enjoying it very much!
tarzane chapter 25 . 6/24
nice chapter
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