Reviews for The Legend of the Stag Prince
Daemon Snow chapter 1 . 6/29
You mentioned that he will receive a Valyrian steel sword, but which one is it?
Baith chapter 8 . 6/17
Will Raziel have multiple companions accompanying during multiple fosterings?
makoto88 chapter 2 . 6/9
muy buena historia sobre todo la relación de Dany y Razi espero que los capítulos sean un poco mas largo y como va a ser la guerra de los cinco reyes
Guest chapter 8 . 6/7
Since raziel is based on a character who is described as when he was human to be a cruel ambitious and talented leader, what events are you planning to shape him that way. Also if you'd like some inspiration look up jorg ancrath from the broken kingdom trilogy, the dudes skills in fire magic and necromancy would be interesting if you adapt some of soul reavers abilities, and he seems to be the kind of character your going for, even though he does torture people but only enemy spies. just the thought of a winged vampire in game of thrones is pretty awesome if that's where your going with this. Even it's not I'm looking forward to the next update m8.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/3
Will Raziel get a love interest (what ever you want to call them) from every part of Westeros?

Are Tommen and marcela going to be like there show counter parts?
Dreous44 chapter 8 . 6/1
Great update.
Sakra95 chapter 8 . 6/1
Good chapter. Was hoping Lynese would remain alive so that MC will have another milf. I hope the Greyjoy's aren't spared this time because unlike in canon here Tywin lost his daughter in law in their own home. He won't let that insult go. Hope Jorah also gets captured alive by Tywin.
Damien NightFall chapter 8 . 6/1
Hmmm... The vale?
Ironclawthunder chapter 7 . 5/16
Really loving the story so far. Just have a couple of questions.

Will there be multiple love interest in the story for Raziel? If so have you decided who they're going to be or are you still deciding? And if you're still deciding, are you open to requests?

If you do choose to have multiple love interest for Raziel, will his mother be one of them?
lucavento chapter 7 . 5/7
nice love it hope you update soon
Mr Guest chapter 7 . 5/3
Great story

Cersei and Raziel are certainly going to have a interesting relationship in a few years speaking of home Raziel has a harem comprised of ladies from each of the Kingdoms ie Myrcella and Joy from the Westerlands, Arianne and the sand snakes etc

Hope you update again soon
Dreous44 chapter 7 . 5/3
Good story so far.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/19
Why don’t you make Cersei make Dany her lady in waiting or handmaiden?

It will let Dany roam a round a bit
fireblizard1996 chapter 7 . 4/12
I enjoy this story. Like, a lot.
Herr Dunkelheit chapter 7 . 4/11
Now the plot begins, it is interesting to see how you develop Raziel each chapter.
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