Reviews for High School of the Dead - Dark Comfort
Guest chapter 3 . 9/1
I’m a little disappointed that you did not do rei for chapter 3 , that seemed like the obvious route , you do the main girls first , then focus on the minor girls afterwards , I really hope you do the Takashi x rei one next .
BomBashious chapter 2 . 8/1
Hoping for a Yuuki x Takashi one shot soon :)

Keep up the good work & maybe later you could do a Rei one shot.
BomBashious chapter 1 . 8/1
loved it! continue writing these one shots!
BomBashious chapter 3 . 8/1
how is naruto in the fic?
Joker wx chapter 3 . 7/31
Uh, where is Rei’s chapter?
rivenfanboy95 chapter 3 . 7/30
I’m a bit sad you didn’t end up doing a Rei x Takashi one like your note at the end of ch2. But overall I’m grateful you decided to update this :)
Deathslayer1996 chapter 2 . 4/3
I really love your stories. Please update as soon as possible.
Vein Bloodborne chapter 2 . 2/7
Keep up the good work, I too saw/read the series and a few fics, and I personally believe that Takashi will have all of the group's females (baring Alice) as his mates who would both gladly have him touching them, breed them, and even kill for him.

One of the worries of being in such a world would be the possibilities of their morals degrading to the point were they go beyond simply being his harem, but go even deeper into depravity to the point of having their daughters join them in increasing his number of mates.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/10/2019
These are terrific , I'm so happy you updated on this , please do rei and shizuka.
TAIWANNUMBAHWAHN chapter 2 . 11/16/2019
Yo! Takashi has to knock up Shizuka sensei. He deserves that hot bimbo nurse.
MCJarboDaHut chapter 2 . 11/16/2019
Takashi has to bang Shizuka-sensei, and possibly Rika Minami as well.
shaneclark608 chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
Gunna be honest, not bad.