Reviews for Successful Siblings Sunbathing Session
HorsemanOTA chapter 1 . 6/1
This was a good one, i like the saluncon ship. just another good one in your libray so thanks for the read. if anyone can recommend more with this ship it would be much obliged.
Later Daze
Mr. Perv chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
Nice! Though truth be told I was hoping you would have based this on the ending where Sam, Luna, Leni and Lincoln are reading comics in their underwear. But this is good and honestly I love SP using the What-If TV to canonize this (sort of) with their story. Personally I wouldn't need a story based on the girls using the TV to see what if they hooked up with someone and etc.

Also if you were referring to me as the friend with the similar spirit then thank you. If not then my face will be redder then Rudolf's nose.

And as for why I took so long writing a review for this. Well I had to move in with a very nosy and religious relative of mine and I couldn't find the time to just relax and read. But I got a new place and have a bit of time off so I can catch up on my reading!

I hope to see more of your work soon!
mike204 chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
good job with the story keep it up
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 11/23/2019
Great work AberrantScript
Qbert1998 chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
It's a well written story, my compliments man _! You're very good to show the emotions and the tensions that are building up during the tease session the two girls start towards Lincoln. And speaking of the teasing itself, I also liked it very much. You wrote a very nice scene and also I like how you're able to describe the scenes in all his details in the right way. And I like your ability in choosing the terms. My compliments also to the two guys for the jokes they proposed, I liked them and again also to you my compliments for how well you included them. So in the end a nice story as always, my compliments friend!
Cherrychanga chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Y'know, I like Sam just fine in the show. She's a doll... but you guys are just bound and determined to make her one of my favorite characters in (fan)fiction... Sweet Lord she's the most precious lovable perv in existence~!
Paperman0 chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
You just converted me to the Salunacoln side. I foresee I'll read this story quite a few times.

Now, what could I say that you haven't been told who knows how many times?
Whenever the story wasn't at its hottest it was at its funniest, and mostly was both at the same time.
The onee-san and vibrator jokes are very nice, but to those were topped was Sam with the heart-shaped pupils (take warning). If only Lincoln noticed.

I know you said this is based on another story, (which I've started to do, so thank you for telling me of Aces Wild by the way), nonetheless it reminds me very much of Voice of a Goddess (another of my favorites of yours). Here again Sam shines, albeit in a quite different way.

I could say that I hope to read more of this trio, but I say the same about nearly all of your works.

PS pity you deactivated the PMs.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
Cookie Warlord
Dude the current temperature at my home is 29 degrees, with a chance of freezing rain tonight, and I regret that I have to wait for that cold shower is what I really NEED now. God this was an incredible chapter that got the old blood pumping...

Bravo on keeping the characters in character to the Aces Wild story cause A LOT of us can see Sam pull is off or on her favorite Louds. MORE Lincoln-Luna-Sam cause they are so damn cute together and I really think they complete themselves as a trio, but I will admit Carol, Leni, Lori and Lynn Jr are sweet in their own ways. (The passion is breath taking)

CHAPTERS like this deserve multiple reads and I hope you do more for Seige's story (gets on knees) PLEASE! Yeah this a awesome story and I loved it, you really showed your skill and passion for these characters and do Bravo dear author Bravo.

Hoping for MORE stories/chapters of this one trio please if not in this story more of your future works.
Jeff chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
Sam's as big a lovable troublemaker her as she is in Siege's story! The lovemaking was really good, with all the jokes getting a big chuckle from me, so it's all good in my opinion!
Rising Gold Sun chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
My, my my! finally another one of your lovely stories! I'm so glad for it! lets go bit by bit (or should I say bite by bite?)

Now first of all let me tell you that all that teasing had me at the edge of the seat through the whole chapter, tantalizing is not even close to describe it

Sam was the star of this gem without a doubt, a goddess...or demon of temptation and lust, a succubus or an angel or love, pushing her beloved rocker girl and adopted bbaby brother to the limit with sheer boldness and with her divine body

to see her having them dancing on her hand was amazing, and the slow work she did was encomiable, it's funny how despite being the wildest of the sisters, Luna seems to be the shiest and her girlfriend is so wild

the brunette was perfect in all her scenes too, crippingly shy, leaving her girlfrind to guide her through this scorching path of red temptation, is she really that soft? what did Lincoln touched of Luna that was so soft? ahh...

and Lincoln, sweet child of mine, the rabbit at the mercy of a tigress, being whispered, kissed, teased, squished , and nearly having a heart attack, at least everything was worth it at the end

the sex was wonderful, I know you was not ging to dissapoint us,but my favorite part of this fic was without a doubt the slowly build towards it, my favorite scenes have to be when Sam has her food planted at the side of Lincoln's head, Sam flipping Luna like a cute doll and of course, the cat fight over him (in both senses)

I'm not gonna lie, I didn't read the fic this story is based on, but now I will read it for sure.

Thanks for the story, this was directly to my Fav and Follows section.

Hope to see more of you in the future!.
SkyLoudly chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
luna and sam are really hot in this fic and siege's aces wild is really good fic been reading it non stop, keep it up guys!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
nice you considered doing a Lincoln and Rita lemon?
alexgreco8799 chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Finally someone’s got the guts
nuuo chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Awesome new story! I'm confused over Siege's story cause I thought he was gonna break the story into parts after the convention. Would read his and Abby's story but trying to finish the NNN challenge. Hope Abberant is doing well!
gabeclone chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Hm, wow. While I already saw the porn parts, I like what you did with the lead up.
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