Reviews for A Liability
Gisela chapter 7 . 5/4
Ahhhhhhhh! I got so excited when I saw you updated! I LOVE THIS! It's so amazing. I read it all in their voices and the dialogue is literally perfect. This is so good. Like I love Richard and Connie's platonic dynamic and this is just amazing to me haha. Can't wait for more! (Also I must catch up on "The Second Coming" soon because I'm a few chapters behind.)
Gisela chapter 6 . 4/2
Ooh! I loved this! So well-written! I loved the mention of Timmy, too. I can't wait for more! :) I wonder how Blackgaard will react when he finds out Connie was re-hired.
Also, nice seeing ya on the Rydell Saga livestream! I, too, can't wrap my head around it all, but it's exciting. :P
Gisela chapter 5 . 3/19
Oooh! I really enjoyed this! It was super good, as always!
Lynda chapter 4 . 3/15
I love this so much! I can't wait for more!
Mary T chapter 4 . 3/10
I don't usually review fanfictions, but I have never been as blown away by a fanfiction as this one. Particularly the fourth chapter. The story's direction was one that I had not anticipated and it was very well done! Consistently throughout these heart-pounding four chapters are the characters written magnificently. I could hear the voices of the characters as I read their lines. The authenticity to the characters is something that a lot of fanfictions don't quite grasp. You do. And although I spotted a couple of grammatical errors, they were few and far between and forgettable considering the story's quality content. I especially loved the scene in the first chapter where Blackgaard uses manipulation to hire Connie. Considering that he is a 'child psychologist' that was a perfect way to not only bewilder and trick Connie, but to write Blackgaard. Bravo!
I am a sucker for Richard Maxwell, so I always enjoy hearing from him. I love the way you write him.
The story itself is suuuper great and believable.
One thing I'm curious about. . . will Lucy come into play or will Blackgaard and Richard discard her because they have Connie to find the password of Applesauce?
I felt so much adrenaline reading it and just wow! Sorry for being so wordy... But seriously, thank you so much for this story! It brightened my day, truly.
Gisela chapter 4 . 3/10
I think my brain just burst! I wasn't expecting the chapter to go as I did and I LOVE it! I seriously cannot wait for more! Thank you for writing this!
S. R. Steele chapter 3 . 3/2
This is SO GOOD! Your setting and characterization are so spot-on. Can't wait to read more!
Gisela chapter 3 . 1/13
I was so excited to see you updated! Ahhhh! I can't get enough of this story! Thank you so much for writing it! You are so good at capturing the characters' personalities, too, especially Connie.
Gisela chapter 2 . 12/28/2019
YAY! You updated! This is so, so good! I love your writing :) I can't wait for more!
AIONERD chapter 2 . 12/27/2019
I love this SO MUCH! The writing is so good that I can hear the characters reading their dialogue. Thank you for gracing the AIO fandom with your writing! Keep up the good work!
Ameraka chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
I've often wondered what would happen if Connie chose the other path. I'm enjoying reading this so far and looking forward to where you take this!
Gisela chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
This is AMAZING! I can hear every line in the characters' voices. The tension is masterfully done and the writing is great! Whether or not it remains a one-shot, I LOVE it. I love the concept of it, too! Really amazing!
GJFH chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
Please continue! This is really good, and I'm intrigued by this alternate universe.