Reviews for While You Were Sleeping
Breyzy chapter 6 . 3/23
The plot thickens! I totally know that Genkins is up to no good, but I also have to say I love all the character interactions you have cropping up in this fic. Locus sort of unsure about hanging out with the group is brilliant, and Simmons left to ponder all the different relationships he never really saw develop is great. Awesome job (as always!)! XD
Breyzy chapter 5 . 3/14
I love this AU! Grif and Simmons bonding was so sweet, and I like how you write Genkins very in character. I'm really curious to learn more about the world while Simmons was sleeping, but I love all the interactions between the characters here. Great job (as always!)! XD
Breyzy chapter 4 . 11/29/2019
Haha, of course Simmons would end up living with Grif and Kai! I like how you have Doc and Donut in the know and not necessarily 100% with the other Reds and Blues. It is pretty fitting for how their stories play out in canon, especially during the Chrovos stories. I liked that Locus is friends with Grif too, and how Simmons is still in the dark (like the readers) about what happened while he was asleep. Washington's banter with everyone is great! Genkins getting thrown into the mix certainly adds some interesting layers to an already intriguing plot. Great job (as always!)! XD
Breyzy chapter 3 . 11/23/2019
I liked seeing more of the RvB crew get introduced and how Simmons is reacting to all of this new information getting thrown his way. Great job (as always!)!
blankslate101 chapter 2 . 11/18/2019
First of all, ELLO! Second of all, I'm sorry I hadn't been here much lately. Just too much. Everything, is just too much right now. Anyway, I'm super interested (as I always am with your work) in what going on in this story and the Grimmons (but that's a given). Though I do have a question, in this universe I believed you refer to Grif as a teen/young adult in Blood Gluch and I was curious if Simmons was also in similar age to Grif or if Simmon's being a servant or whatever of Chronos(?) he ages different like fantasy elves or is simply just older then Grif since the begining? I got my sleeping Beauty KISS! It was on the forehead but I don't care! It was super sweet! I really hope that you'll go into Grif backstory in this like how he got to Chorus. I have a headcanon that Grif has passively (cause it Grif obviously) been looking for Simmons, hoping to see that nerdy redhead and tell him off for ditching him in Blood Gluch. I'm super looking forward to meeting the rest of the Reds and Blues and our boys heart-to-heart in the next chapter. Ok, so I've caught up so far on Rwby (I also cheated and found episode 3 on a pirate site so don't tell RoosterTeeth) and well so far so good I guess. It's a bit early I think to nit pick but yeah having a decent time so far. I'm getting a lot of dystopian/Gotham vibes from Atlas so far. I had a feeling Penny wasn't dead for good but super good to see them, this team needs more pep, poor Nora can't be carrying everyone. I'm a bit conflicted more like confused regarding Ironwood/Ozpin plan like I understand why would people panic learning the truth? Like learning Gods exist and this is humanity/faunus second time around. I'd be more depressed or angry then panic and afraid. Though I'm still confused on how Grim operate cause it has to be large group having similar emotions that draws in the grimm right? I don't know, I'm not even completely sure why Oz kept people in the dark to begin with. Like I get that you can't force people to be kind to each other to get into the gods good graces but like as far as I know or can relate to the people should of been giving a choice on if they wanted to know or not. Ok now what I really want to get into is Qrow. In episode 2 we get a good hug between Qrow and Ironwood and for whatever reason I got major Tuckington vibes and then in the next episode Qrow and Clover I guess is his name going on a mission and I swear to the basted moon in the Remnant sky that Clover was flirting with Qrow which gave me like that bit of Felix and Tucker vibes from season 12. I honestly think I maybe going crazy. I honestly never gave it much thought in the past cause Qrow has only really hanged out with Ozpin and both really need to learn to talk shit out instead of drinking or hiding. But now there's a IronQrow hug and Qrover (Qrow/Clover) to consider and I'm like holy shit, I didn't think of this, and a two for one deal? How could I refuse. Though if the opening title has any merit then Clover better stay clear of my birdboi, he's injured enough he doesn't need your flirting pretty boi bs just so you can chacha on his heart later Clover! Right, cause then it's the Elite or whatever Ironwood named them then that Watson (I think that's his name) so my dumb brain put them together as "Oh new friends be wary). I'm curious Ironwood says that he told his team the truth so would Watson like sway Watson to their side somehow. I would at least hope that this possible adult would be a little hard to trick then a teen or a child but who knows. Anyway, back on the Qrow boat, I think it'll be fun to play around in the IronQrow ship for a bit, cause thinking about this for like a day now and it has some potential which I can get into and have fun with. Similar to why I like Tuckington is the whole dynamic of their personalities interacting together, and Qrow and Ironwood have a similar dynamic of the soldier and the partyboi. Granted Qrow is a much more moody partyboi then Tucker may ever want to be (unless things get really angsty like season 12) but they also have this weird pack/bond with Ozpin they can further bond over. Plus, they are both kickasses. Oh! I just thought of something. In the Wizard of Oz movie (I never read the book sadly, someday) where the guys are on their way to the Witch's tower like the flying monkeys rip up the scarecrow and tinman and the lion patch him up. But in Rwbyverse with Tyrian or one of Salem's other monkeys (I'm going to refer to them as monkeys now lol) and with Leo gone that would just leave Ironwood and Qrow to save or assist team RWBY but one of them it's badly injured and the other stays behind to care for them, possible get some payback. I'm just saying RWBYCRW we could always use more Ironwood fights (cause we only have one :( ) It could be super awesome and really tear jerking if we got scene. Lol I'm also hoping for more stuff with Oscar, cause the boy has so much character/story potential which I'm hoping with the whole we'll get OZpin back line, cause he really got shafted since he left his farm cause then it was all about OZ and everyone being standoffish towards him and honestly poor boy deserve the spotlight at least once by himself no Oz or Ruby or anyone else. Ok I think that's all the new stuff know for some of the messages you left me. I just saw the CGI Lady and the Tramp trailer and I just have to wonder why? Like is it more cheaper with Computer then actual dogs and their trainers? I know it's cleaner since computers don't poop but other then that why? I can't be the only one who remembers the live action 101 dalmatians from the 90's/200's with Glenn Close right? Why didn't they just do that again? Granted that movie focused a tad bit more on the humans but that probably because it helped world build and tell the story which you can do way faster in live action then animation. Or even just movies like Marley and Movie where you just have the dogs thoughts being telepathically projected to the audience. Or do like cgi with practical dogs, just cgi their maws so they can talk and sing like they did in the dark crystal prequel (I had such a great time watching it!) so I honestly think they did to much cgi and it's like seeing someone wearing clown make-up at a business meeting, it's not subtly at all and it so shiny, no dog's fur is that lushes. Hell even human hair isn't that lushes. Other then the asthetics I would be curious as to what they change and don't change. I think it was more obvious and disappointing in the Lion King remake because it used it's medium fully it was colorful, all the characters were lively and expressive. I'm not saying that the OG Lady and the Tramp was no wonderful and amazing but it was definitely more grounded in our reality and subtly. Granted Lion King was apparently based on a movie from Japan which was inspired by William Shakespeare so I mean you got to be dramatic and flash at that point. With Lady and the Tramp it's a love story but with dogs. Nothing super crazy is going on like the cats aren't forming a fascist group like Scar was or super big musical numbers like I wanna be king. We just get pissy cats and a dog in a pound cell swishing her hips, like that's as real world as it gets my dude. Though why are they remaking their hit movies anyway? Like why don't they use that dark Disney corner where all the "shitty" movies went if they want to remake stuff so bad? Like they couldn't make them any worse. And if the right people and ideas some of that stuff could be cool. Like the Black Cauldron could be decently cool in live action with heavy CGI effects, hell use those Pirate skeletons info from that move t15 years or so ago and instant skeleton arm for the Horn King. Hell change up the story so it makes sense, no ones going to really care, it just has to make bloody sense unlike the Beast time portal book (honestly what was that?). Yeah sorry I'm been thinking about this stuff so my brain doesn't explode with school, internships, car, and family stuff. Anyway, sorry again about my lack of contact. I do hope you and your family are doing well and are all healthy. If I don't get a chance to talk to you Happy thanksgiving if you celebrate that is. BI BI YIN!
Breyzy chapter 2 . 11/16/2019
I love this AU so far! This was a great setup to learn about what happened during the time that Simmons was asleep. Glad to see his and Grif's relationship is as stable-yet-awkward here as it is in canon. Great job (as always!)! XD
Breyzy chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
Oh, I'm loving this new story! You always make such interesting and unique Sci-Fi Alternative Universes, and this one has me already hooked. I'm really curious what happened during the years Simmons was asleep, and I'm loving how now Grif's got the edge on the guy he thought was nerdy cool back in the day. Everyone's dialogue and mannerisms were totally in character (the Huggins line about her seeing in the dark was great!), and I'm super looking forward to seeing more of this world. Great job! XD