Reviews for Did You Hear That?
shellee3 chapter 12 . 6/6
I haven’t read any new Castle Fanfic in over 9 months but I am glad that I decided to read yours. I may even start a castle rewatch. Thanks for writing
Deb838 chapter 12 . 5/18
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing.
mmw74 chapter 12 . 5/17
Loved this story and especially the ending! Thanks and please write another Castle & Beckett story!
Muscovy chapter 12 . 5/13
Yet another great story, thank you. Looking forward to more Elliot. Stay safe, stay well.
ElValTal chapter 9 . 5/10
Great job! Thoroughly enjoying this story, really taking my mind off of world events. Always love reading Castle fanfic!
frenchipper chapter 12 . 5/5
Fun and innuendo, then emotion, then action, and emotion again. What a roller-coaster ride : Caskett Fantasyland !
Thank you for this story. I'm sad it's over, but I love Eliot too, so there's that...
jennkyle chapter 12 . 5/4
I just loved it so much great job once again I loved it so much and how exciting we haven't heard from Eliot for awhile can't wait
guest chapter 12 . 5/3
great story; thanks for an enjoyable few hours during this difficult time. LOVED the ABC reference! Looking forward to more enjoyable reads.
Purple Satin chapter 12 . 5/3
This is such an excellent story. Loved it! Looking forward to Eliot again. Hope you and your family are well and safe. Thank you for writing
Lyn chapter 12 . 5/2
Loved it.
vjlee chapter 12 . 5/1
Thank you for this delightful tale! ;)

A perfectly professional example of 'how and when and where to arrest a very, very bad Senator by a very, very badass Homicide Detective. ;)

Telling the way you quietly moved the first three letters of the alphabet to the end of the alphabetic line. ;)
mobazan27 chapter 12 . 4/30
I’m grateful for many things lately, these stories are continuing to write them are on top.
More, please.
gngoa chapter 12 . 4/29
I’m always happy to read your stories, I’m always sad when they come to an end, but I have to say you do and ending really,( really well. This one made me chuckle and had the added benefit of making me feel young, however briefly, thank you.
ElValTal chapter 12 . 4/29
Excellent job! Really enjoyed this. Looking forward to more!
Ellen Outlaw chapter 12 . 4/28
Great story.
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