Reviews for Curiosity Killed the Bat
Phantomfray chapter 6 . 1/28
Ok this fic was a very sweet read. I liked Senkuu characterization a lot. He seemed smart and in charge and very caring. Poor Gen, and poor Ryusui, there must be a lot of guilt over that particular ride. It felt like all the characters genuinely cared about each other, which is great because it captured a lot of the feeling of the show. Smart of Senku to make oxygen masks after the first hot air balloon fiasco.
theSardonyx chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
I actually read this on ao3 first because I almost gave up on seeing a lot of Dr Stone fics here, but I thought it was easier for me to leave a review here because I am still adamant about not having an ao3 account.

SO. This fic is amazing and hit me in all the right ways and I have no words to say how much I love this. Gen being sick/incapacitated is right up my alley and seeing everyone so worried and caring for him makes my heart swell. Please, please, PLEASE do this again. XD

Write on.!
Guest chapter 5 . 11/8/2019
OMG this was so good!
You should public in AO3.