Reviews for What We May Be
Faith O chapter 22 . 9/16
I definitely would love you to finish it. I like the original elements of doing more with Jaime's aunt and how they govern Kings' Landing (and I love that the council is at least temporarily all women!) Mostly I love the love and respect Jaime and Brienne have for each other
Faith O chapter 15 . 5/8
I like how realistic these characters are. I now I can change moods several times a day, so I like how it wasn't stock characters "the noble one", the bad one, the optimist, the pessimist, etc.
Thanks for one of my favorite stories.
samantadrusila chapter 25 . 4/27
This is such a great story. I'm glad I ventured here from AO3 in sesrch of Brienne/Jaime fics.

I love the feel of this story. So many Brienne/Jaime fics are quite 'modernized' when it comes to Jaime's and Brienne's thought process and beliefs. This story actually does feel like its set in quasi medieval Westeros. From the use of the lord husband/lady wife to the fact that Jaime actually does sort of subscribe to the patriarchal mindset of Westeros. I love it because while book!Jaime might respect the hell out of women and might be the closest thing to a male feminist Westeros has got, he is nowhere near to a modern guy with a minor in gender studies. In one of the previous chapters, Jaime said something along the lines of 'you are my wife and your place is where I command' and I was just like hell yes, this is the kind of patriarchal mindset Jaime would occasionally have. I don't really see it that much in most fics and I love this.
Also, I love that this fic does take into account that Brienne was so done with her quest and just wanted a break and go to her father. So often we see Brienne portrayed as a tireless jugernaut who is only fueled by honour and vows. I blame the show tbh. I love how she can be weak and actually be so very inexperienced in this fic. I'm loving the dynamic between Jaime and Brienne.

I realize that it sounds like I only came to complain about other authors, but it's not that. I trully enjoy all kinds of fics abn authors and am thankful for them, but this just has got such a great authentic feel that I might have got carried away a little bit.

The way this almost went well for them and they were almost successful when a dragon showed up to rain firron their day is very on brand for ASOIAF. Love this.

I hope I'm not overstepping, but do you have any plans to publish this on AO3? The story would probably get more attention over there. FFN seems to be a bit dead when it comes to ASOIAF.
Faith O chapter 23 . 4/20
I'd love to see this updated...but thanks for all you've written already; it's a good read. The characters are fairly true to canon but the storyline is quite novel.
Faith O chapter 21 . 4/10
I'm really enjoying this story. Very original!
Faith O chapter 25 . 2/1
One of my favorites.
Kyoko chapter 25 . 1/10
Things are getting tougher... I wonder how Jaime and Brienne are going to deal with a dragon! Even worse, with Cersei ;) Really enjoyed the dragon's description, and the smell, how horrible for Jaime...
FangLycan chapter 25 . 1/6
Nice to see this story again, glad that Jamie wasn't badly injured in the fight, but good luck trying to hit The Winged Shadow and his brother's in the eyes it almost impossible, not mentione if the bolt's hit anywhere else some of their lava like blood might fall on any unfortunate person below them. But I think the spider might catch wind of these new scorpions being built so I expect another night attack from Dany.
TeamGwenee chapter 25 . 1/6
Jaime and Brienne's reunion was gorgeous! Jaime's lingering grief about the battle is very moving and him still being able to smell burning flesh was very poignant. I enjoyed watching this group of characters strategise together, and Cersei at the end was chilling!
TeamGwenee chapter 23 . 1/1
I keep coming back to this story again and again and again. It's so good!
TeamGwenee chapter 24 . 12/28/2019
Love seeing Brienne take on her new role! Really enjoyed reading this!
TeamGwenee chapter 19 . 12/28/2019
Poor Myrcella.
TeamGwenee chapter 18 . 12/28/2019
Really enjoying seeing Brienne adjust to life in King's Landing.
TeamGwenee chapter 16 . 12/28/2019
Love Brienne's conflict over Jaime's confession.
TeamGwenee chapter 14 . 12/28/2019
Love Brienne's talk with the Elder Brother.
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