Reviews for Devastation, Heartbreak & the Definition of Love
LadyDarvey chapter 17 . 9/30
I’m so glad you’ve continued writing this! Love it! Anytime the pop tart shows up I’m always waiting for Donna to stick it to her. I enjoyed this chapter being Donna and Harvey focused. Also loved how you added the “we’re gonna be together forever” dialogue to your story. Probably some of my favorite ever!
catskeye chapter 17 . 9/26
Amazing chapter
bmbb chapter 17 . 9/24
This story is so amazing and I look forward to every update! I loved how you worked in dialogue/moments from season 8/9 it worked so perfectly! Thank you so much!
Arizona1234 chapter 17 . 9/24
Thank you for updating this story! I love what youve done with this chapter! Cant wait for the next
chdh1 chapter 17 . 9/24
No way, Malik? Now I'm scared. But bring in the angst!
paulsxnspecter chapter 17 . 9/23
LOVED THIS CHAPTER! my heart was so warm while reading it. and the ending WOW, i can't wait to see what's next!
PrisonBreakFan08 chapter 16 . 9/16
Oh a rewrite of the scene where Donna "introduces" Harvey to Thomas! I prefer your version :)
Pegtastic chapter 16 . 9/6
Just caught up on this story again, and I'm loving it. They are so gorgeous together and I love how you have weaved S8 scenes into your narrative. Very clever xx
cassandrarayne chapter 16 . 9/4
This just gets better and better. You are a genius! I love all of sweet they are with each other and Henry, and how happy they are! Can't wait to read more!
Carolina chapter 16 . 9/4
This fic is great...
Guest chapter 16 . 9/4
For once Gretchen’s interruption is welcome! I love it! I love this story!
catskeye chapter 16 . 9/4
Very clever inter weaving of show and ur story... I loved this chapter can’t wait for more
Casey24000 chapter 16 . 9/4
Yayyyy! That was so good I’m glad that u updated! Cant wait for the next!
Ireneff chapter 16 . 9/4
Loved it! I really like how you introduce the S8 scenes into the story. The lift scene at the end is a great reenactment of the show but with Henry loved it!
paulsxnspecter chapter 16 . 9/4
I loved this! the final part with harvey and thomas was awesome. can't wait for the next one!
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