Reviews for A Song of Fire, Ice and Hearts
lannister pod chapter 25 . 8/27
I guess Tywin Lannister will be more than happy at this point.

Her granddaughter marries a boy who is not only the descendant of a great hero on the level of those of the era heroes themselves, but is rich, has magical powers and his name and blood will elevate the Lannister house to glories only dreamed of by a few mens.

Besides the fact that roxas will basically become a legendary figure himself for sure.

I already want to see tywin's reaction to knowing this, I bet he will do everything in his power to ensure that marriage, I mean literally if his legacy happens it will be assured for centuries hahaha.
Dasgun chapter 1 . 8/24
.. ..
Guest chapter 25 . 8/24
Im kind of worried on how it'll go later on.
Woukd it still end in Ned's death? Is roxas gonna be able to heal robert from that boar?
Will roxas or cloud kill or cripple Gregor when he attacks loras?
Fire chapter 25 . 8/16
Another Fantastic chapter can't wait for the next update so keep up the great work and stay safe
grudgematch chapter 25 . 7/27
Why do i get the feeling that Guy is going to keep showing up getting better each time to defeat a more experienced swords men but always falling short against Roxas
Story of Readers chapter 25 . 7/27
winterwolf23543 chapter 25 . 7/27
Tyene Sand and Roxas friendship seems developing naturally and kissing huh, Ned need to be more observable more than his eyes see, good thing he was at the brothel for Catelyn before she starts the war and good thing Oberyn has beaten Catelyn through words nicely, Now it's Oberyn and Ellaria's time to get beaten up and ingrained on their minds that Cloud doesn't want them, are you perhaps afraid to beat up woman in fiction lmao.

It's funny though in my thoughts the only decent and good person that he meets are only Tommen, Myrcella, Gendry and Cloud.
ObsidianUnknown66 chapter 25 . 7/27
Great to see this story updated again so happy it is back up. I wonder if Roxas interaction against Balish would have reprecussions in preventing Cat from going after Tyrion? More flashbacks for poor Roxas on the rebellion. Now who is contacting Roxas, Sypha and Trevor over their village problem or Alucard on the loneliness he is feeling?

Can't wait for the next chapter.
keybladelight chapter 25 . 7/27
Wow that was deep a obyrin was right just because the child is bastard doesn't jealousy will only destroy them but doing with you own daughter that his mess up but this his the game of thorne.

I saw that tyne spy on roxas has least their little date was fun and roxas remember her first true love xion.

The one that send to kill bradon his cersei but i hope you make her caught in it.
kage88 chapter 25 . 7/27
can not await to sww what hapens next
EmperorSnorlax chapter 25 . 7/27
the one thing I always disliked was Catelyn making things worse.

Looks like Roxas' is gonna have to dive into the deep end soon
free man writer chapter 25 . 7/26
Feels great to be back to this one and completing another chapter. Can't wait to do the next one
Guest chapter 24 . 7/23
Damn, I want to see what happens now, now that the kingdom's debt has been paid
EmperorSnorlax chapter 1 . 6/29
I love where this is going.
Given how dark this is probably gonna get. I can't wait to see what you've got cooked up
TianYi chapter 22 . 6/26
i wonder whats the debt equivakent to ck2 agot ducats...
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