Reviews for Gift of the Demon
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20
Will there be an update or is this Story abandoned?
Mason02 chapter 3 . 6/14
This story is so good. You absolutely need to update it.
MondprinzessinSerenity chapter 1 . 4/6
i really wish you would continue this story is great
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 3 . 2/26
Well color me interested! Also I think there's a pretty big flaw with your made up demon bloodline limit. You said that it will make him resistant to ninjutsu, then said that he couldn't use the ninjutsu that he had resistance to himself as the so called "drawback" to keep him from being overpowered or whatever. But ninjutsu are just (magical chakra)ninja techniques. And if nothing affects him because he can essentially "eat" them then that implies that he technically can't use ANY ninja technique that aren't his bloodline limit including basic chakra strengthening, shunshin, shadow clones, etc. cuz those could be used against him and if they are and they fail he can't do them either; then he also can't even handle things that are chakra infused cuz he'd ruin them by "eating" them which would also mean he couldn't make his own which would include things like tags, seals, and so on. Which is all really just weak sauce. BUT you have him able to utilize seals anyway which goes against the limits you set as I understand them. So does that mean Kyuubi modified his "gift" to be less lame or does Naruto mastering or unlocking more levels to his new blood limit help him work around that? Or was those "rules" about it actually not that literal and strict?
Jostanos chapter 3 . 1/15
Omake: "Lord Third. we have a problem." "Oh? What may that be, Kakashi?" "Hinata and Naruto have been found, but they are now part of a _KUMO_ Genin team along with the "missing" Suna jinchuuriki: Gaara!" "WHAT?!"
havegoodtime chapter 3 . 1/14
It is a good story keep it up.
sd74 chapter 2 . 12/29/2019
A... the moment you joined the Hokage Club.
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 3 . 12/10/2019
*... Root spy Sai all sat around the table of their client Tazuna.*

"sitting" rather than "sat".

*... doing the tree climbing exercise while Sai just calmly sat drinking tea, having apparently known the exercise long before now. *

Comma after "exercise".

*Thus the issue was Sasuke was Jealous, ..."

"... issue was; Sasuke ..."

*... Sakura was angry for her obsession's behalf, ..."

"on" rather than "for".

*... the old drunkard asks, ...*


*Given that we have a non-aggression treaty ...*

"nonaggression", one word, no hyphen.

*The Kumo kunoichi looks him dead in the eye as she finishes unsealing the contents of the scroll to reveal a severed head.*

"looked" rather than "looks".
"finished" rather than "finishes".

*The Kumo kunoichi nods with an amused smirk, ...*


*Kakashi's eyes widen at the names he hadn't heard in years ...*

"widened" rather than "widen".

*"I hired you to escort me home and you all barely wanted to do that." Tazuna scowls at her, ...*


*Especially with that done before they even ask for a trade agreement."*


*"How?" Sasuke demands angrily, *


*We simply provided them proof that Gato planned to betray them and offered them new work to get by.*

"... them with proof ..."

*Especially from someone who's clan got killed in a single night.*

"whose" rather than "who's".

*Your Sensei has an excuse in that he was being cautious and wasn't sure if we were pretending or not.*

"had" not "has".

*... while leaking killing intend which wasn't near enough to affect Kakashi himself, ...*


*"But what about our pay?" Sakura whines.*


*... and will return to cloud with us. *


*We are more than willing to remain to guard your bridge until its finished while he does so."*

Nuke "to remain".

Comma after "finished".

*The civilians all cheer at that, the workers rushing to the bridge while everyone else starts gathering what they can to throw a party.*

"cheered" and "started".

*"You alright Naruto-Kun?" Hinata asked as she approaches, ...*


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


- Assessment
Both regarding the chapter and how the group handled things... Well, to quote Samui: " That's cool."


- Curiosity
So Haku, male or female?

As Gaara may be lacking an SO at present and they have enough of a background overlap that it could lay the groundwork for a romantic relationship, if explored.

Especially, with Naruto being spoken for and monogamous, as he shares that background with them.
UltimateGenius chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Great story man I love it
TheWateringWizard chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Oh oh oh ! Awesome reappearance from Naruto and Hinata and with Gaara to boot ! I definitely want more background info on their time at Kumo. Also I hope there’s a relationship between Naruto and Hinata, can’t wait for the fluff
tamaraniantuesday chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Damn okay this has promise
Rebmul chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
I cant wait to see how the hokage reacts to the fact that his lack of faith in Naruto is what caused him to leave and that it wasn't the kyubii but a blood line
Wishfull-star chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
that was a wonderful chapter and I can't wait for whatever happens next:)
ethan.lukkar chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon
Bloody Rogue dragon deity king chapter 3 . 12/9/2019
Very short
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