Reviews for On top of the world Grand Line is Paradise
kmcfee01 chapter 8 . 8/21
I can’t wait to read more of this story!
Vanessa Masters chapter 8 . 4/28
Still no way of guessing, but Ruffy's devil fruit, and personality, give her a edge on Robin.

Or 'all-sunday.'


She knows who Crimson Sun is...the one who gave Ruffy the hat, and didn't see her 'monster' state, but was close.

And hearing Ruffy say that, it's reminding her of herself being spared, by Kuzan.

I'm surprised Ruffy isn't as anxious around Vivi, as she was around Sanji as a chef. Since Vivi is a noble, kinda. A princess.

This was great.

Interesting interaction between Ruffy and 'All-Sunday.'

And you stay safe and healthy too.
hatdgalice chapter 7 . 4/24
Happy late birthday! So sleep walking... poor Ruffy though she did take out mr 5 and Miss Valentine so that's cool and Robin! one of my favorite staw hats though I love them all. But man zoro sure got a ego boost huh, thanks for chapter patiently waiting for the next one (:
Vanessa Masters chapter 7 . 4/20
Oh no! Oh lord, poor Ruffy, sleep walking...Yikes.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 7 . 4/20
hendo2031 chapter 6 . 4/14
cant wait for more. story is really good keep up the good work.
Vanessa Masters chapter 6 . 4/13
Poor Aki, so it was a friend...and ruffy was forced to fight cause the lords son took a bet? How could he get away with so much if he wasn’t a celestial dragon?

And now ruffy is sleep walking...o.O

The blond teen was seated in a crowd of women who were genuinely enjoying themselves. He stood out, that boy. Fitted in dress-pants and a blue shirt with his tie and blazer hung neatly over the back of a chair. The mayor had to wonder why this man was a pirate when his clothes and the way he carried himself seemed to hint at nobility. Not that anybody cared about such a detail. The blond treated the ladies well though, which was a happy surprise for all involved. The women of this village were no strangers to tactless men whose hands kept wandering to places with or without their consent. Now they were giggling and blushing at praise and compliments and passionate poetry. Some were even putting on a show of throwing with their hair and opening their clothes a little just to get showered with enthusiastic worship.

One of the girls turned to Igarappoi and mouthed "can I keep him


I’d keep Sanji, he is a catch.
hatdgalice chapter 5 . 4/9
Big bro usopp for the win! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the zoro vs ruffy fight
Sortum chapter 5 . 4/8
I was so happy to see a new chapter.
I really love this story and can’t wait for the next update.
On another note I do wonder what Ruffys relationship to Ace is and can’t help but eagerly anticipate his arrival.

Anyway, stay safe.
Vanessa Masters chapter 5 . 4/6
Awww ruffy love big brother usopp.

You keep safe and healthy, that’s all that matters, even if your bored.
Ancarius chapter 4 . 2/6
I found the first part and read it in two days, it was amazing and I was the whole time worried because I saw the last update was in November last year.
So as I clicked on the last chapter and saw that it was short I expected that it was a note that the story was dead.
BUT NO! it was a note that the story continues here. You can't believe how happy I was.

So thank you for this amazing story, I can't wait to read what happens next.
Ikousetsu chapter 4 . 1/5
I am so interested in this story.

I have half a theory on what has happened to her (Reason why Gramps feels shiit and why she feels betrayed... and why her back doesn't he shown...)

So many changes that has happened and I want to know the fallout.

So unlucky that I can enter your mind and read your intentions to this story.
Vanessa Masters chapter 4 . 12/20/2019
DEAD!? Oh wow...well, I hope Ace learns she's alive, and maybe Sabo seeing the newspaper about her dead, or alive, or whatever jogs his memory early.

Maybe...oh yeah, Rayla. Very serious, only friends.

And she knows Wednesday is lying. ;)

So worth the wait, never be upset, and merry holidays to you too :)
Valen Goncalvez chapter 4 . 12/20/2019
Very good chapter, i hope you update another soon!
DannyPhantom619 chapter 4 . 12/20/2019
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