Reviews for A Careless Man's Careful Daughter
Acanthus Addams chapter 10 . 11/25/2019 definitely turned the fluff up to eleven here! This was a really moving ending - wedding scenes are done to death in shipping stories but the beach setting and Serena singing the song were what made yours unique. I also loved your description of the ring (although did you mean 'Whirl Islands' instead of 'Orange Islands'? Sorry, it just stuck out :P), and it was fun picking out the sprinklings of other shippings in this chapter; Max and Bonnie was especially cute to see. Not many Pokémon stories go into this level of 'rawness' where characters' emotions are concerned, so it was a really deep and refreshing read throughout. I hope your other readers appreciate this as much as I have.
Acanthus Addams chapter 9 . 11/20/2019
This was a brilliant chapter. Ash and Misty's closeness is so heartwarming here (and scintillating! Nice touch with that bit, haha), and I loved the cameo by Kim - quite an original take on him, too, so well done especially for that. That line by Misty was a lovely place to end the main story. I'm looking forward to seeing what the epilogue brings!
REDMASTEROFPOKEMON chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
this is fucking cringey and gay stop writing this gay shipping stuff an write a real pokemon fanfic like my masterpeace ultra legend of red withc is a way betta story then ur stupid fagfic
Acanthus Addams chapter 8 . 11/17/2019
Cute! I love the conversation with Paul - and it's especially interesting to learn that the prologue was actually a flash-forward to this moment. It's great that Ash and Misty have seemingly made up now (and hey, you even included that goddamn Tennyson quote, haha!).
Guest chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
I really do hope ash and Misty make up and get back together again especially after what just happened I get they argue alot but it's more in a fun and playful way with them but this one is definitely serious they definitely should talk this out and sort it out this time when they are more calm and can think more clearly after they make up they put their problems behind them and move on as a couple and have their happily ever after
Acanthus Addams chapter 7 . 11/13/2019
Oh wow, I certainly didn't see that coming. Lovely introspective moments leading up to the 'fight'. I can't decide if Misty's argument was unfair or not, but then, Ash wasn't exactly helping himself either, so I'll chalk it up to them both just being a bit tightly wound at this time. I'm anxious to see what Paul's role in this story will be!
Acanthus Addams chapter 6 . 11/9/2019
I must admit you had me fooled up to this point! The revelation that they'd been dating all along was great and naturally done. Your knowledge of Japanese culture is impressive, too - really helps to paint a picture!
Acanthus Addams chapter 5 . 11/7/2019
Well, this was damn cute if I do say so myself. Great bantering between Ash and Misty, and it's nice to see Ash actually going out of his way to think about girls, romance etc. Misty's monologue was very true to her character. Enticing last line too! What will she think of that?
Pokeshipping Fun2020 chapter 5 . 11/7/2019
Awww Is so nice Partner see u
Acanthus Addams chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Intriguing start! It's interesting that Ash is so in touch with his feelings here, and equally so that he's the one to initiate things in this most recent chapter. I love the implication that he wanted to catch the caterpie in Viridian Forest to make it the same as their original journey, and Brock's little cameo was so in-character. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Pokeshipping Fun2020 chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Nice chapter see u later friend, Ash is so cute with His Misty awww love Of the good.
Percyfan1998 chapter 3 . 11/4/2019
Ooh, interesting so far, especially with the romantic subtext. It’s all played out in a way that I feel I would myself so it’s a good read.
Pokeshipping Fun2020 chapter 3 . 11/2/2019
Nice chapter see you un the next chapter.
Pokeshipping Fun2020 chapter 2 . 10/31/2019
Wow nice chapter two.
Pokeshipping Fun2020 chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
Wow that's Misty friend.