Reviews for Change my Mind
B123 chapter 12 . 9/19
This was fun and hilarious chapter.

The first part of the chapter with the gang playing the IF video game was funny. Surprised that nobody considered suing games manufacturers for copyright infringement but then again they are still teens and are not properly educated on lawsuits.

Also it makes me wonder if someone in the academy is purposely given information on what the daily lives of the student to make the games and other merchandise?

On the serious part of the story, seems Gelimer’s quest for more IS knowledge may be getting him into trouble. Also wish to say thanks for including my OC character Olivia Sedgwick, Xenowishes hope that she serves you well for the story.

Another Archetype Breaker girl has arrived and it’s are girl harem collector Rolan. Like the game storyline she’s after Houki to make her the 100 girl. Hope that you do use my ideas on Rolon’s bad habit on trying to take on multiple relationships, which will end with Rolan either getting found out and dumped, chased, slapped/beaten up by her girlfriends.

Next part is for anyone who’s read the light novels knows who Darcyl really is and that her getting close to Jayden is bad news.

Last thing to say is again your omake’s are always a hilarious treat to read and the thought of Chifuyu chasing the head principal is so funny. Considering her canon origin Chifuyu could have easily catch up to her but I guess she’s making her suffer through the terror of the chase.

So again a great and hilarious chapter and I can wait for the next one, which if I’m right will be the arrival of Charl’s (Charlotte) and Laura.
Ironbird53 chapter 11 . 8/15
Huh, quite lengthy for a chapter. I hope you were able to figure out everything, but I'm curious: How did the girls get dolls of the boys so fast?
B123 chapter 11 . 8/14
This was a fantastic chapter.

Loved the final fight with the Golem and glad Jayden was finally able to shine in this. Do like that he doesn’t fully remember his meeting in his IS’s core world but still retains enough to remember its name.

Also liked him and Vishnu having a moment after the battle in the hospital room. It was sweet and oh my the handholding, very lewd lol.

Nice to see Ichika and Rin’s moment change from the canon to them patching things up on the rooftop of the academy.

Lastly on the Omake, god where to I start it was so fun and entertaining to read lol. Do love that Rinko is trying to keep things from escalating from going out of control while also trying to get out. Also why am I not surprised that they made merchandise of the boys lol. I prey that I the stuff doesn’t get out to the harem girls on either side or there will be a bloodbath in demand of it.

Anyway great work and definitely wish to see what’s in store in the future. Take care!
Gadget boy chapter 10 . 7/26
All I ask is for something to go Jayden's way for once. While Ichika has made progress, Jayden seems to be feeling depressed to how he sees himself as useless. Made only worse by how all of Ichika's girls all see him as a weak and useless pilot.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/14
Niceu, Niceu. Very Niceu Ceasar-chan.
Ichika-sama chapter 10 . 6/28
Damn man... The chapter's keep getting better and better. Keep up the work dude. Created a brilliant story so far and i'm excited to see where you take it!
Ironbird53 chapter 10 . 6/25
I like the chapter. Despite the complications you encountered while writing it are something every writer goes through, don't worry.
Overall, I hope to see this battle's conclusion next chapter!
I hope you enjoy writing it as much as I do reading it.
B123 chapter 10 . 6/24
Things are getting pretty exciting in this chapter.

I’m loving the new parts your putting in this battle with the Golem. Your right that the canon battle with it leaved a little more to be desired so I’m glad your doing it more justice.

I also loved the part with Houki and Jayden arguing as from both points of views there both right and wrong.

Shame this was left at a cliffhanger but I’m eagerly excited to see the second part and see how Jayden and Cecilia will defeat the golem.

Anyway great work and hope for the next part very soon.
Ironbird53 chapter 9 . 5/27
Once again another good chapter, I'm rooting for you!
Being a fellow writer, I always admire others' works.
As always, your chapters can be pretty educational on IS Lore, and they've been able to help me realize things I overlooked while writing American Idiot.
I look forward to reading each chapter not only for how well you've written each character, but because there's always something I can learn with each installment.

I look forward to seeing what you teach me next.
B123 chapter 9 . 5/27
This was a great chapter to read.

Liked how you changed the the training for Ichika here with Jayden, Houki and Cecilia being more supportive and actually telling/instructing him on what to do, like checking and doing maintenance on his IS.

Truthfully I kind of anticipated that the gang would try to put more weapons on Byakushiki, only for it to violently reject it by either quantum shooting it out or breaking it.

As usual Ichika is still dense to the feelings of girls. I do hope that you change that to him as this progresses past the canon storyline.

Loving how your portraying Vishnu in this. The girl seriously has some social anxiety problem and it makes me wonder if she’s had some past trauma that made it this serious?

Like the canon show the battle between Ichika and Rin is interrupted by the unmanned IS [Golom]. Wonder if your gonna change how it all goes down fighting against it in the next chapter.

Lastly to say is the omake’s are brilliant and this one is both funny and sweet. Jayden getting frustrated with not getting his IS into first Shift, trying everything to the point that it makes him look crazy and asking Vishnu in doing Yoga with her to both calm himself and seeing this as a different approach. Too bad his not as flexible as Vishnu lol.

So again great chapter and can’t wait for the second part which I hope comes very soon. So good luck and stay safe my friend.
Qin W.X chapter 8 . 5/20
I am more interested in the battle between Ling and Jayden in this chapter. While other writers tend to overpower his/her OC's opponent mainly with brute strenght alone or any fancy tactics involving firearms, to disarm an opponent is not the thing I usually see lately. It is not something every writer can think of upon his/her char ends up in a situation like Jayden, even though it was a futile attempt, but an attempt I can appreciate of.

For that, I give a thumb up for the idea.

Unfortunately, I have to keep my other thumb from being raised due to the 'free hit' attempt made by Jayden. He could use more active resistance. As far as I can see, Jayden is still living under Ichika's shadow and I appreciate that he's looking up to Ichika by copying what he did. This is the character development from Jayden that I'll be looking forward for when he finally able to break away from Ichika's shadow.

As for the extra, nothing much I can say except that puts another smile on my face.

Keep up the good work.

Ironbird53 chapter 8 . 5/11
Of course Honne just couldn't keep her mouth shut...What an L.
B123 chapter 8 . 5/10
Thus another chapter has arrived.

In all a great chapter and while Rin isn’t my favourite Infinite Stratos heroine, she’s still great to have to the cast.

Poor Jayden is still trying to have his IS go First Shift. At this rate he will hold an official record for the longest time to gain first shift and that’s not a record to be proud of.

Seem you got him a small break with him getting closer to Vishnu as a friend. Have to say your doing a great job of portraying her character and building on it in your own way.

Speaking of game characters, you’ve added in Velvet Hel, though if the match gets interrupted by the unmanned IS Golem as normal then the rest of the matches will be postponed or be outright cancelled which means that she might not appear as soon as we expected.

Plus does Velvet have her personal IS Hell & Heaven yet? Since Forte Sapphire hasn’t yet betrayed everyone yet for Phantom Task, she’s not the running rep candidate for Greece. So does this mean she’s using a standard unit or have you altered the story to have own her personal IS in it?

Once again love the omake and got a laugh of Rin mixing up her model shoot with a different set. Would definitely want to see Rin in a panda suit or pyjamas as a fan art.

So again great work man, keep the chapters coming and keep safe also.
Ironbird53 chapter 7 . 4/12
Thanks for bringing up the IS-Compatibility rating system, I think I forgot about it in American Idiot and this was a good reminder of that blunder.

But in other news, looks like the harem curse has already claimed another victim...I bet Gelimer's gonna get it on with Maya.
B123 chapter 7 . 4/9
Yes a new chapter!

Poor Jayden can’t catch a break since he’s the least popular out of the whole group battle. So here’s hoping that will change soon in time and also see him achieve first shift very soon.

So this Yua’s been hurt by men three times!? Man poor girl, now I’m curious on learning her backstory. Either she’s had terrible luck with the opposite sex or that there might be something that we’re not seeing.

Got a good laugh from the omake. Ichika is being sceptical (as always), Jayden is taking notes and Gelimer just now realising he’s in the same position, lol. So please don’t stop making these omake’s.

Lastly the next chapter will start the Rin arc, can’t wait to see what you will change or add in.

So great chapter man and keep yourself safe in these uncertain times, take care.
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