Reviews for In Another Life
REEaH7 chapter 25 . 7/22
I'm crying. This is amazing. Also, I need to count the amount of times I've cried in lockdown. It's probs a huge number cos before lockdown I didn't know what fanfiction is XD.
Lady Isludis chapter 25 . 3/25
The kitchen scene gave me matrix vibes, and Caroline made a pretty good oracle.

Overall though, I enjoyed this fic a lot! It's hard to overstate my satisfaction :)
User724 chapter 25 . 3/25
Is Caroline talking about the scientists who killed her, or the Newells?
PastSelf chapter 25 . 3/25
What a sweet ending! Overall, this was a magnificent story, especially for a first fanfic. The characters were well developed and the pacing was great. I didn't spot many (if any) typos. It was decently put together and well written. Looking forward to what you work on next!
Guest chapter 24 . 3/23
Could you make a doug x cell fic or doug x GLaDOS? Please
User724 chapter 1 . 3/22
Alex could feel all the cores?

Also, good job on finding closure for the events of the original Portal. No matter what her reasons, Chell was still killing those robots, and I've been meaning for her to have to face that about herself.
Lady Isludis chapter 24 . 3/21
That was intense! I’m actually tearing up a little bit now
PastSelf chapter 24 . 3/21
Eeeee! That was so cooooool! Oh, man! What a twist for the whole Chell/Alex debockle. I did not see that coming. I'm so proud of them all! Can't wait to see how this is going to end!
User724 chapter 23 . 3/16
Ohh no, Alex is in the mainframe isn't she? Wheatley! Help her keep it together!
PastSelf chapter 23 . 3/14
Hoooo boy. Here we go into the endgame. This chapter was really good with the buildup. Like I said before, you're really good with the proportion of how much story in how much chapter so there's never a dull moment. I'll be waiting in anticipation!
Lady Isludis chapter 23 . 3/13
Whoa! Did NOT see that one coming!
Lady Isludis chapter 22 . 3/1
Oh geez, not good not good not good!
User724 chapter 22 . 3/1
Seeing the family facing Aperture together was an awesome, almost Incredibles like moment. Oh and She's there too.
User724 chapter 21 . 2/22
The prototype Chassis! Also, wow, Caroline is much better at traps. Probably just a chapter away from the obligatory Moron Montage.
PastSelf chapter 21 . 2/22
I like how you didn't use either Sophie's or Alex's names in this chapter, bit you could still tell who you were talking about. Oh yeah, and who's idea was it to go down into Aperture without telling the adults? I'm not going to call it moronic, but... *cough cough*
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