Reviews for Despair
Musing Soul chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Good good stuff.

You do a good job of handling the multitude of emotional struggles going on here, and the ways that they play out for each character, Lucina in particular. The debate being the kids was an interesting one, and I do like that it ended on Sev just decking someone, which seems entirely how she'd choose to solve that problem. You also do a good job of fleshing out Robin/Cordy in a fairly limited time, in terms of their relationship, and Cordelia's reaction to Lucina almost killing Robin is perfect, given her history.

Great story once again.
romeoraiden chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
This is really nice, the debate between the future warriors was done well. Excellent tension, though, I feel that Chrom confronting Lucina should've been left unchanged with Morgan witnessing the Judgement instead but very great story nonetheless. Your take on the Judgement is admittedly not the best I've read but pretty good overall. The Voice and the Vessel's take on it is number 1 in my opinion.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
You should read The Voice and the Vessel. A great fic by the way. This seen is done very well although, Tiki does nearly kill Lucian.