Reviews for Pactbound
ShineX chapter 2 . 3/15
Yeah ok that type of pact makes sense lol
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 5 . 2/21
No Taylor, it's not a power... it's probably something you get from your mom's side. Cause ya have it in every iteration of yourself in the multiverse.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/20
Hoho, so Taylor re-statted for the sake of having Ability Scores to fuel her Class, huh? You can practically feel the Charisma boost in the scene with the Trio.

Plus, with the standard array for 5e being for "elite" adventurers and the like, most of her stats will be above average (I'm assuming 10?) except maybe her dump stat. Since she doesn't have a party to be able to use meatshields and be caster-focused, I'm presuming she's going to be going with a melee build? With Scion being a GOO and thus locking out Hexblade, it's going to be sub-optimal if she ends up having to build melee. Will be interested to see how she develops. Is the perfect vision just part of re-statting (CON maybe?) or does it have to do with the darkvision invocation?
Guest chapter 3 . 2/20
This is actually a pretty amazing concept. Warlock isn't a top-tier class (except for multiclass dips), but it's probably the most flavorful class, with such great built-in tie-ins. Will be interested to see how this goes.

Also, how did she do the mental speech if she has EB and Prest for cantrips? I don't think Warlock has access to Message and you didn't mention her having it, so...?
AzureLazuli chapter 6 . 2/19
Ooooooh, turn-based combat is fun! :D Also looks like thinking is a free action.
DragonLark chapter 6 . 2/19
Beautiful chapter mate!
Have a Wonderful Wonderful day!
PasiveNox chapter 6 . 2/18
Hmmmmmmmmm nice
DragonLark chapter 5 . 1/21
Beautiful chapter mate.
Her not killing seems in character, so good job yes?
Have a Wonderful Wonderful day!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/17
Looking forward to the next chapter
TigerCat chapter 5 . 1/19
Please stay on the line intil police arrive, Taylor. There's a REASON for that.
The Shadows Mistress chapter 3 . 1/17
nice start, looking forward to more
PasiveNox chapter 5 . 1/17
great great noce
Riniko22 chapter 5 . 1/17
I don't think this is going to turn out the way Oni Lee thinks it will.
Steve2 chapter 4 . 1/5
Interesting start. I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes.
I have to admit that when I think of a Cthulhu / Human story, all I can think of is South Park with Cartman and Cthulhu going around LA destroying things like Justin Beiber's concert, and Justin Beiber as well.
xbox432 chapter 4 . 12/5/2019
Ah, Warlocks of the Great Old One... Glad to see you're having everyone else react appropriately to someone who's been touched by a being so completely OTHER. Still, at least she isn't giggling at random things as she toddles around towards the shiniest object like mine currently does. :D
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