Reviews for Already sinned
Tifacat chapter 1 . 6/6
Yesss! Love this!
Inverse L. Reena chapter 1 . 2/19
Ese debió ser el final de Bleach: con ellos juntos siendo felices.
Dreaming Haven chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Loved it! Ichigo and Rukia just always had a connection that the others didn’t come close to. They’ll always fight for each other.
RukiYuki chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
this suppose to be sweet sin , thanks for the story
Fei4 chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Love it!
jobananasan chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
A surefire way to make me cry is to write about Rukia having a very sad backstory/story/life. The first line alone already made me teary. *Why must my girl always suffer?*

"She's lived in every approximation of hell: raised in brutality and surrounded by violence in the Rukongai, and oppressed to silence, to nothing in the Seretei. She's used to struggling, and scrambling beneath the crush of her existence whether she was barefoot and homeless, or kept like an ornament in a golden cage. No one's ever asked her if she was okay, and for the most part, she convinces herself that she is."-More crying. T_T Her story really is so sad. But through it all she's remained pure. *whispers "That's my girl."*

This is how I pictured Rukia in that cursed bullshit novel. Shell-shocked and bewildered, to say the least. It's funny that the author couldn't even write a RR wedding that was convincingly happy and glorious. And don't get me started on the other pairing. Grrrr...Ahem. Anyways...

"Because even when she loved him then, even when she felt happier than she knew what to do with, she knew she wasn't whole - knew that Ichigo could cut himself on all the pieces she's learned to exist in, and she didn't want to him to bleed on all her sharp edges, all the warped, distorted bits."-Heartachingly beautiful.

Even though that was an open ending I want to think it was a happy one. They would go through hell and back as many times as they have to for each other. Now excuse me while I go de-puff my eyes from the crying I've done...
Mbcole95 chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
That was such a good oneshot, love the story!
Maria Espinoza chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
Very good
cannibal27 chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
this is great as always, but also who is she marrying that could burn everything down.
Cupcakes chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
After reading this fanfic, I became upset... upset because this story is extremely true to the characters, more so than actual bleach ending.

While rereading the last bleach chapter, seeing Ichigo and Rukia yell at one another like they did back in the good old days and at the same time following Aizen's speech about "courage"... I thought to myself .. "Wow... this scene and this speech do not resonate with one another... it's almost paradoxal". These two characters are not living to their full potential, They're not following their heart's desires but instead are pursuing the route that fulfills their obligations. Ichigo continuing his life as a normal human and Rukia as a soul reaper. I know in my hearts of hearts rukia did not desire power... she desired companionship and a life of normalacy, while Ichigo desired strength and the ability to protect all. A speech about cowardice would have been more fitting for the last chapter.

In the actual story, I knew rukia would never admit her true feelings, and would always put duty before her desires... I did not understand how someone can get through to her and tell her it is okay to be selfish. but then your story reminded of Ichigo... THE Ichigo from the soul society arc... how he told her to shut up and allow him to save her... all the other ichigos from the other arcs lost this zeal.. his lack of spirit/confidence was evident through out the other arcs... and so this is how his dependency on rukia (for the most part) to lift his spirits came to be. Rukia could not depend on ichigo to lift her spirit as he once did in the ss arc... to remind her that she should worry more about herself for a change... so the dynamic and personalities were never truly the same as before.

I want thank you for creating this fic, it was refreshing. Made me realize how occ the last few arc have been from the original.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
I loved it !
Ayeobe chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
is this a multi-chapter fic? cos im IN.
I love your writing style, and they deserve a happ6 ending.
I am also glad the updates keep coming! since i started reading your work(s), multiple other stories ive been reading died off..and there were of course more before them
Keep up the stellar work!
Laaaaaara chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
Loved. Perfect end to my Thursday
jtdarkman chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
Lol this painfully sweet and sad and damnit ichigo burn down the building already
unstablemolecule chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
Ohhh my gosssshhhh! The paaaiiin and angst! But then at the end HOPE. Wow this is a roller coaster. I never read the We Do Knot(?) thingy u mentioned because I didn't even read the last chapter of Bleach because when I got to the first or second page I just *Imma Head Out* the sh*t out of that manga. It ruined me for years. Anyway, you are one of the main reasons why I went back to reading and loving IchiRuki fics/stuff that I loved about Bleach so yeah.

Another GREAT fic from you. Like seriously, I cannot. I always wanted to read about a 'what if' thingy u know, what if they defied that procephy or whatever. AND THIS IS JUST A GOOD AMOUNT OF PAIN AND THEN BOOM HOPE! I seriously needed that HOPE. :)

Anyway, Great chapter as always. I hope you are having a great day. And I hope you are feeling at least a bit better after your break from writing a while ago. :)

P.s. you are the 2nd IchiRuki person I share the same Birthday with! Soooo ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND HOPE U HAVE A GREAT ONE!