Reviews for A Certain Scientific Shield Hero
kamenheroHEISEI chapter 1 . 7/7
Not accelerator at all.

He doesn't pussyfoot and the first chapter failed to grasp the kind of person he is.

This is just naofumi already jaded with a lot of swearing
pltrgst chapter 2 . 7/6
imo seperator is good for the end of story and author notes
xaldreca chapter 1 . 5/22
Please get a Beta. Or at least do a few proof reads. I shouldn't need to actively try and interpret your text into something that makes sense.
BigRig2.0 chapter 1 . 5/5
Utter trash
AllWorldsEvil chapter 2 . 3/22
just drop this, i really being patient for ch1 but this is too much, accelerator is mentally problem before met last order and u make him never kill peoples on that city? lol!, u make him calm and smart is right but he is not that patient until save last order, this just naofumi much edgier and accelerator wannabe,i must say the story later is 100% canon copy, just erase his vector if he is scared to use it, this accel ver too scared and patethic too use his power, and irc accelator cant use his vector precisely to make wind slash without his contact first
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7
Yea, I agree with most of the posts here. It’s a good concept, but railroading Accel to conform to canon forces him out of character. I got excited in chapter 1 when he responded to the “you are a still a hero so you won’t be punished” line with “Hero? What a joke.” But instead of declaring something like “I’ve never been anything but villain, just like you it seems, but here’s a little lesson: first class villains have standards” before cutting through the sham off it all and turning the other hero’s away from the king, or just out and out kicking everyone’s ass to show them that he isn’t someone to be messed with or cowed, thus kicking the plot into the middle quickly, he just turns and leaves like a tool. You can use the plot of shield hero as a guideline, but with as different of a character as Accel is, there should be a far different way that he gets to where Naofumi originally did.
shuujin.takagi chapter 5 . 2/20
Este fic tenia potencial, pero lo unico diferente es que no es naofumi el protagonista, con alguien como Accelerator habia tantas cosas que podias hacer y que dejaste de hacer solo para seguir la historia, estoy decepcionado. Pense que iba a ser mas interesante
Guest chapter 1 . 2/15
Venikas chapter 5 . 2/16
Interesting concept but bad execution.

You didn't really fuck up but you didn't exactly capture the essence of Accelerator, the MC of your fanfic, so as you went AWOL I would recommend reworking on this story from zero.
Anti-weeaboo Faction chapter 3 . 2/10
Not flaming or anything, i just want to point out that accelerator wouldn't give a shit about using his power, he seemed to use it in various ways just for a different outcome to entertain himself, so i don't see any reason for him to not use vector control
RunDownLord chapter 1 . 1/24
I hoped beyond hope that this would be good. I like Accelerator and I like Shield Hero, but I don't like your fanfic. You haven't put any effort into writing proper characters, or creating an interesting plot. You've just copied and pasted the original dialogue.

Literally all you had to do was not include that stupid rape trial and I would've kept reading. That's how low my standards are at this point. You didn't even set it up properly which at least all the other unoriginal writers on this website managed to do. You can't even plagiarise correctly, or was that your attempt at putting a unique spin on the story?

You should try being creative and see where it takes your accelerator self insert. It's far more fun.
Blindfold Snake chapter 5 . 1/21
So what her/His Name will be... Gaki 'Bratv
Blindfold Snake chapter 3 . 1/21
whoops never mind
Blindfold Snake chapter 3 . 1/21
Question... which Accel is this? Before or after He met last order?
Blindfold Snake chapter 2 . 1/21
The story still the same eh?

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