Reviews for In Your Orbit
HollyGlen chapter 6 . 6/12
I really enjoyed this! I especially loved your portrayal of Ron. It’s so seldom writers allow him to grow and mature as a character, and I feel like he had. It was great seeing him able to keep his cool and speak rationally with Hermione and talk her through some of her faults.
Cshen chapter 6 . 5/13
Hahahhaha. I laugh so loud at sirius's demise xd poor padfoot hahha.
foxylittlelady chapter 6 . 5/11
I laughed so hard when James kissed Sirius! It happened exactly like I pictured it, if it were to happen. 3
akire26 chapter 6 . 5/10
Why is this story so good! I think there isn’t many James/Hermione, but quality is way better than quantity of yours is any example! Love it!
Hearteyesmf chapter 6 . 4/7
This story is fantastic! There aren’t enough James/Hermione fics in the world, so it was a real pleasure to come across one as well written as this.
jamielynn25 chapter 6 . 2/14
Loved it. Wonderful story
jamielynn25 chapter 5 . 2/14
jamielynn25 chapter 4 . 2/14
I would love to know what is going on in his head. Loved it
jamielynn25 chapter 3 . 2/14
Awesome chapter
Ail.Ale chapter 6 . 2/14
Too cute!
jamielynn25 chapter 2 . 2/14
Wonderful chapter
KittyWolfM chapter 6 . 2/14
Amazing story I was so hooked and loved the pairing
jamielynn25 chapter 1 . 2/14
Well.. I didn’t know I needed this
Red1FL chapter 6 . 2/7
Surprisingly I like this ship.

Bring us more please? Thanks :)
Yurika-hime937 chapter 4 . 1/24
I had my doubts, this isn't exactly my ship, but I was just so intrigued. I've read your other works too and they always pull me in. This one is no different! I don't often imagine any of the first gen order members alive and well, but you had me at James' voice. I imagine it like Rufus Sewell's and I just shiver every time I hear what he has to say in my head. I'd love to know who's voice you had in mind as Jamesit's what got me on this fic, and I'm completely in love with it!
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