Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Obscured Truth
Cosmic Cat chapter 27 . 9/9
Five stars was luxurious

As for the most dangerous hanoi I think it is dancho he does not depend on duels to hurt with his kunfu panda skills it is enough for him also he can return as a ghost and torment them all.

Why does Revolver purge his allies if they lose? It would not be more practical to heal and reuse them
Pikachu99 chapter 27 . 9/7
I liked the chapter Infearno this more badass than ever or rather badass for the first time Lolxd.

It seems that the next chapter will be the beginning of the hanoi tower arc following the canon now revolver defeats ghost girl with the new Triesbaena de la storm acess.

I imagine that while doing that another hanoi will face a secondary hero as in most of the fanfics, from which thinking about their personalities and who is more likely to follow Raguel, Playmaker and Ghosg Girl is possibly sengokuquenn or numera.
Since so far Stregone has only responded to visible threats he is not going to search for hidden enemies and plus it's too early for watchmen and rosetta may be rebuilding his life outside of link vrains.
E.T. 2000 chapter 24 . 9/6
this chapter was literally filled with a lot of emotion.

The third duel of infearno vs raguel was much better than their previous duels, even more so that yuhiro lost in this duel, I think it was a wise decision for yuhiro to lose because that defeat would help him better both a duelist and a person, I liked that raguel and infearno will use new link monsters.

Also Yuhiro and Roxy are surprised that Emon Echida is infearno, I highly doubt that they can report Infearno to the police, since Infearno knows that Raguel is Yuhiro and also infearno knows about Miyu, it would not be a surprise if he threatened to hurt miyu or reveal the identity of raguel to the world if they tried anything against him.

About your question, my answer is that infearno is more dangerous than dancho and lord kazuma, I have to mention that infearno is a villain to my liking because appearing to be someone was not always bad, I hope to know more about his past.

To finish, I am curious to know what duels we will see in the arc of the hanoi tower, you can use this as an example.

sengokuqueen vs infearno.
Reason: It would be a good way for sengokuqueen to show his growth as a person and his ideology, so he has been learning that he has to see the different perspective and knowing why people do what they do, probably during the duel, he will ask Inferno why he is with hanoi and why he commits bad deeds.
Zeromk7 chapter 27 . 9/5
You are a Saint of a man. Im a bit frustated that someone with Burning Abyss win (yeah, i dont like It) but i like It. I like that you make some character lose in this story like Playmaker which in the original story he wins every duel. I think its good alternate between this and the new story (mostly because you will be able to manage both of them without problems) and for Legacy characters, i think Crowler or Akiza, since not many Arc-V stories bring her up. Gonna say, my personal opinion, i Wish i was there to rip a new one to Infernao. Its cool and skilled but, Jesus, i hate him. For the rest, i liked everything. Keep going man.
Donjusticia chapter 27 . 9/5
WHAT!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You actually had Raguel LOSE!? In a SERIOUS duel!? With SERIOUS consequences and not some training duel against a safe opponent like Watchman!?

Don't you know the first rule about Yu-Gi-Oh!? You're not supposed to EVER let the protagonist lose in a serious way! You're not supposed to be gutsy and actually pave the way for true character development! You're not supposed to make one of your coolest original antagonist characters even more AWESOME by actually presenting him as a true threat by actually having him DEFEAT the hero!

We need to fix this immediately! Here, let me help!

Infearno: Phlygeas Guardian of the Burning Abyss! Direct Attack!

Herald: Oh no! We've got no cards on our field, no cards in our graveyard, and no cards in our hand that can help us! We're gonna lose!

Raguel: I think not! From my butt, I activate the trap card, ZA WARUDO! TOKI WO TOMARE!

*Bass rip and time stop*

There! Perfect! It enables Raguel to win AND it references JoJo. All at the small price of ruining the story.

(I'm saying, this is so far the best chapter of your story BAR NONE!)

QOTC: You're asking this question AFTER we've seen what Infearno is capable of!?

Cherubini, spell out my answer for me.

Cherubini: Give me an "I!"

Malebranche: I!

Cherubini: Give me an "N!"

Malebranche: N!

Cherubini: Give me a "FEAR!"

Malebranche: Fe...wait...fear?

Cherubini: Give me an "O!"

Cir: I'm still stuck on the fear thing...

Scarm: Is "fear" a letter?

Cherubini: WhAT'S THAT SPELL!?

Dante: Do you even know how to spell?

kingdom hearts guy chapter 27 . 9/5
Cyreath are original character monsters, right?
KingOtakuOverYou chapter 27 . 9/4
Great duel I liked the way that Yuhiro lost in the end. Infearno was shown as a threat that until now had never been due to his own idiocy.

Yuhiro has Link Trigger what abilities the rest of the kids from the lost incident have.
If spoiling bothers you at least you can say the one about windy's partner who is dead in canon and this fic may not touch the subject. This already modifies the fic Yusaku in the anime has Link Sense but I don't think it is her ability since that was never useful.
Answering your question, if you had asked me this in 2011, Infearno would say, however, I saw the series of ninja turtles in 2012 (TMNT) and I learned to measure the power and danger of the enemy, the lethality of the enemy is different when he is willing to do for his objectives. "Your enemy's ability to kill doesn't make him strong makes him dangerous" or something like that.
that makes it dangerous but not powerful.
So the most dangerous Hanoi is the one who is willing to do the most collateral damage for his actions, the most likely to do murderous methods which is Lord Kazuma.
Dancho is the kindest of the 3 that rules out he can be powerful but not so dangerous.
Infearno is willing to do damage for his targets but Lord Kazuma is willing to do damage without and seems to move through a strange sadistic fun but does damage where he goes he is always the first to resort to violent solutions because of the way he behaves It seems like this whole situation is just a game for him.

And about the ArcV fanfic I'm not going to read it. I hate many things about the ArcV canon, which is a series that had a great premise and idea but was wasted.
There are so many things that annoy about ArcV like Yuya Sakaki and the Entertainment Duel I just don't understand it is just a normal duel and he says that it is training because yes and everyone loves Yuya for no reason.

I don't want to get close to ArcV or with a 4 meter stick. I wont read anything about ArcV.
I will not read a story about a series that I reject and I do not mean you but ArcV. This is for the sake of my mental, social and psychological health but I wish you good luck in that.
HunterHQ chapter 27 . 9/4
Something I just realised when looking at this again:-

The time when a protagonist loses and they are in a slump maybe it can help them grow again further later on, like Atem losing to Rafael, Jaden to Aster, Yusei nearly losing to Kalin and Yuma almost losing to Kite or Mizar and then Yuya to Declan. Yet they have friends who'll help them pick up again despite that and as long as they can live to fight another day there is hope. (A bit like Yasu losing to Zahhak in hidden memories too but it was a spur in the right direction and a miracle it wasn't the end)

Also it was rather fortunate Akira and Aoi weren't there, otherwise what Infearno revealed about Miyu and Yuhiro knowing her would have gotten out to them both and further complicate matters. Though it is curious why they weren't around since they followed through with Hideki from the start of this.
Anonymous chapter 27 . 9/4
After what just happened it would take a miracle if Sol doesn’t find out Or there’d be panic, also would they go straight to Uchida Industries to report the evidence They have?

Seriously its because people rely too much on network and computers instead of a simple lock and key or combination lock with physical cards that crimes like these happen too often.
Guest chapter 27 . 9/4
Sometimes it's moments like these which make hero payback/revenge all the more sweet on their enemies.

I don't think Infearno explained how he got in though right? Also how did he make his monsters have free will?
HunterHQ chapter 27 . 9/4
Have to admit that was indeed tense, may this spur Raguel to better control himself in the future, I guess the Tower will come soon, and I have a feeling chapter 29 no doubt is Rosetta vs Ace.

Now that they know Infearno's identity they can at least cut him away from his company and one of Hanoi's major resources before and after the Tower of Hanoi that much at least. I feel Watchman needs to let Raguel in on everything if this relationship is to last.

A bit surprising the outcome of the duel but considering how season 1 will end it's still good, also interesting you brought up each of the Lost Incident kids having a unique network ability, Yusaku with Link sense and now Yuhiro with link trigger. Wonder what you have in mind for the others.

As for what Dr Kogami said beyond the network wonder what he does know.

QOTC-Without a doubt Infearno is the most dangerous of the 3 you mentioned with Kazuma second and Dancho third.

Hope it goes well when your school year starts and you don't get overworked and your time is managed well. Take care.
Jason chapter 27 . 9/4
Amazing chapter. I can’t wait for the Hanoi Tower to begin.

And for the Hanoi grand return in season 2
kingdom hearts guy chapter 26 . 9/4
Looks interesting
Pikachu99 chapter 26 . 8/27
Watchmen or Infearno? Who is more powerfull?
HunterHQ chapter 26 . 8/26
I was thinking since Tsubaki’s dad made World gears into a card that meant he must have had a hand in making cyberse cards before. Wonder if he indirectly had a hand in making Yuhiro’s physical cards. For Ai maybe he hacked the card making tech from Hideki Some time back When he made Yusaku’s deck, and who knows perhaps after this maybe Hideki has a role in making Takeru’s Salamangreat deck As physical cards using data Material from Flame.

Ironically it’s thanks to Kitamura’s crazy reckless idea of attacking Hanoi HQ that Rosetta got the break she needed to get away from them and reunite with her dad. Also maybe Watchman might let his earlier berating of Yuhiro’s heroics slide since it lead to a much bigger reward being world gears, if it succeeds, and hopefully they get Crusadia and Mekk Knight back. For the cyberse hunt arc kinda expected more cyberse involved but maybe at the end chapter there may be more I hope.
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