Reviews for The Things I Miss
Megan1289 chapter 1 . 3/18
This fic is spectacular. Now I am crying the good cry. Thank you so much for writing this.
Clairdetoile chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
This one is very very nice and I love it so much! Somehow, I really imagine this as a conversation they can have. And, yeah some of those things was really pretty cool, and well, sure it's better to be in flesh and blood, but sure they can miss all those things after so much years they spent to have them. And well, yes they deserve hugs!
Id9916 chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
This story is the epitome of 'wholesome'. I love how it doesn't reek with cheesiness, but instead it's very well dosed and alterned with more funny moments. The brothers are perfectly in character, too.
As for the theme, it's an interesting take I feel not many people tend to reflect upon, so kudos to you!
RainFlame chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
This was absolutely precious c: I love them, and I love this fic. I like the idea of Al missing his armor. It makes sense after being in it so long. In post-Promise Day fics, I miss Ed turning his arm into a weapon too lol. It’s just so very Ed!
Scaehime chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
The feels!
"I miss having a detachable head." I had to hold back laughter at that line since it's almost midnight where I am, and my brother is sleeping in the room next to mine, but even knowing that, I still couldn't help laughing out loud completely.
And the hug that tied it all together at the end was a beautiful, well-written moment.
One more thing, I gave a shoutout to you and this fic in the latest chapter of my FMA fic, since the email alert for your fic reminded me that I still had time to write something for FMA Day before it was over.
Thanks and God bless,
CapGirlCanuck chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
Simple, sweet, and you set it in my favourite spot: up on the roof. As beautiful as all your writing, but I love that this year, I'm right there with you on this side of the page.
We were just talking about basically that the other month, about how Ed continues to reach out and touch his brother, even when he can't feel it.
This is just ... warm, like a cozy blanket settling around my shoulders. And with a smile and a sigh, I must say, I'm grateful for you, big sister. *hugs*
AnEquivalentExchange chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
aww this is so sweet, I love it! The perfect amount of brotherly fluff for a sad day in fma :) you write them both so perfectly too!
lilaclily00 chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
Today has been so nostalgic for me, and seeing this (written by the almighty Griselda Banks!) raised up the nostalgia levels to a thousand. The boys being preciouses, reminiscing about their old life but appreciating what they have now, portrayed perfectly. You did a fantastic job!