Reviews for Fate - Irregular Summons
DannyPhantom619 chapter 29 . 2/10
Hope you do a more interaction story in the future between Connla and the servants of Chaldea.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 28 . 2/6
This was a nice "ending" for 5th Grail War Connla.

Though I do hope to see some more bonding moments between Connla & the rest of the Chaldea Cast.

Such as talking with Ishtar/Rin, Parvati/Sakura, Sitonai/Illya, and Muramasa/Shirou.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 27 . 2/2
Ktap4321 chapter 26 . 1/27
Hiya. Are you ever going to continue your Ace Attorney Story. It’s one of if not the best fanfics I have ever read.
TheHolyBlade chapter 25 . 1/18
I love you so much. This is amazing.
King0fP0wers chapter 25 . 1/18
Oh come on, not again! At this rate, I really won't be surprised to see Connla fight a corrupted Caster Cu one day! Or Proto Lancer Alter, however that can even go.
Fact is, every antagonist other than Lancer lost pathetically fast and with ease. Well, him and Agravain, I suppose. I know it can't be helped with the much larger cast, but it really turns the story into a bungled mess.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 25 . 1/18
Well damn
King0fP0wers chapter 24 . 1/13
Holy crap, you're really not holding back at all! I'm worried about Ilya though. I reckon it takes about five Servants to cause her transformation and Cu is clearly out for the remaining three.
Hey, how did Shirou manage to trace Avalon to Saber like that? He's neither her Master, nor is he standing right next to her, like in the anime adaption. Was it purely because of the spititual connection?
King0fP0wers chapter 23 . 1/8
My god, what a mess! Saber versus Gil and Cu is surprisingly gleeful about murdering his daughter AGAIN! I get that he wants to fight, not necessarily kill, but is he really that fed up about what happened so far?
Let's see how well Saber fares against Gilgamesh. She's supposedly at her strongest with Rin as her Master and that CS should give a decent boost. I just hope it won't end in some meaningless sacrifice. And I just realized that there is still quite some stuff left. Rider and Assassin are still around and I sincerely doubt that Zouken will just sit around and watch Cu. It would be crazy if you decide to pull out Dark Sakura outta nowhere, heh.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 23 . 1/7
Round 2 is awesome
King0fP0wers chapter 22 . 1/4
Goddammit, Gil.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 22 . 1/3
I hope Muramasa/Shirou kicks Goldie's ass.
King0fP0wers chapter 21 . 1/3
I'll admit that I'm curious about Kojirou's role now. He is a genuine great swordmaster who can equal or even overwhelm King Arthur. But it's worth noting that the location he was bound to, was his greatest advantage. His position on the stairway and the temple barrier are the very reason he was able to repel all five of the enemy Servants in the war, even Heracles. It would have been nice of Shirou fixed or improved his nodachi, at the very least. I'm looking forward to see what you planned out.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 21 . 1/2
Wonder that once Connla comes back, will she see how similar in looks Ritsuka is to Shirou?

Also can't wait to see Shirou facing Archer.
HafizXRenashi chapter 8 . 12/29/2019
Goddammit Author XD

Connla's dialogue when she's using that magic is really hurting me eyes XD
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