Reviews for How to raise a future villain the right way
thatoneperson000 chapter 1 . 7/14
Love it so far!
dianille chapter 3 . 6/18
Yo, this is funny. Please continue and thankyou for the update
SpicyArbiter chapter 3 . 5/20
Nice nice nice
Ilive4cookies chapter 3 . 4/16
I hope Kai becomes stronger quickly- both emotionally and physically. I can't imagine him surviving and successfully leading a clan during wartime the way he is right now.
xXAnonymous01Xx chapter 3 . 3/31
Wow, bravo on this really intense chapter. Shit really hit the fan. I feel for Kai everything is pretty shit at the moment. (Trashy Tajima you fucker! Your making this a mess of things!)
I'm cheering Kai on in all his anti-social asexual human repulsed glory!
(I'm really hoping his misanthropic tendencies don't extend towards Izuna and Madara (-'') lol. He seems really caring already so my hopes are high on that aspect.)
The politics and mystery is already so, so real. Gosh, Kai looks to have a really hard time in the future given all the people (cough mistresses cough) that he's going to have to interact with.
Anywho, where ever you end up taking this story I'm really interested in it~!
So, thank you very very much for the beginning chapters of such a really interesting plot.
A Subscribed Reader
StoneTheLoner chapter 3 . 3/29
Kai is very annoying. I hope the other personality consumes him quickly. No way some anxious idiot from our world has a better mind or force of will than... Well, any other adult might do. But certainly a potential clan leader during the warring era and in a ninja world. The quality of person is so far apart Kai doesn't have an excuse for still being the dominant personality. Not without f*cked "He's the mc so that's what's happening" plot armor.

Did I mention Kai annoyed me? Because he really does.
phelipebr chapter 3 . 3/27
Excelente capítulo
Tomara que tenha mais atualizações
Muito boa até agora a fanfic

Estou gostando do diálogo inferno de kai
Denna154 chapter 3 . 3/27
Thx for the update :)
Hahaha - if this continues he will join the Jashinists for real xD
His life is hell anyway ..
Immortal ninjaaa chapter 3 . 3/27
And dont make this yaoi/slash
Immortal ninjaaa chapter 3 . 3/27
The real Tajima was pretty scummy. His wife and mistress must feel sad for losing their kids. Kai should try to improve his relationships with them, they’d believe that a shock like his family being poisoned would change a guy to the point that he’d treat them better. I wonder if he’d eventually get laid but he did mention that he was asexual now...
ProTaggingProperly chapter 1 . 3/27
Wait! Please EDIT this, Uchiha Tajima (if he is the son of the Clan Head or already the Clan Head here) should be referred by his clansmen and even his wife/mistress as Tajima-SAMA. He might choose to let his sons/offsprings call him otou-SAMA or otou-san or CHICHIUE.
It breaks my suspension of disbelief. Please EDIT it.
Otherwise, the story is good and very much welcome.
thewhiteangel213 chapter 3 . 3/27
Thank you very much for the update :)
Sona14 chapter 2 . 3/24
has potential to become hilarious. I'll wait to see him interact more, before I judge him...
saashi samy chapter 2 . 2/28
Very interesting idea

I like
Valen Goncalvez chapter 2 . 11/19/2019
Very good chapter, i hope you update another soon!
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