Reviews for MadaTobi Reincarnation AU Snippets
Kage-Shino chapter 10 . 7/17
yassssssssssssssssss, Hashi-chan and Shuku-chan!
guagamol chapter 18 . 6/8
this is fucking hilarious, thank u for sharing this
ChaoticInscriber chapter 18 . 4/14
Oh yeah, that would be fun. Electrified Water techniques would be a viable way to counter the hell out of a lot of the major water moves being used by others. If there is a way the water is still linked back to the wielder, the charge can follow it, so they go to clash and instead of just getting everything wet BAM Zap ouch. So things like the ball/cage, whips, possible even dragons if they are standing on the water source. Less so bullets, because they are basically self-contained balls of water moving at high velocity.
It's also an excellent defense as a water-godling. Since he isn't as dependent on water-sources nearby for the larger techniques, someone else electrifying his own attack on him would have been a viable issue/threat before, but now that he can do it for himself he definitely worked on the logistics of countering that problem. (Instead of the giant water dragon being connected to the lake nearby you are not standing atop, it is probably connected to him, so yeah, electricity hurts.)
ChaoticInscriber chapter 10 . 4/14
*maniacal cackling*

"hour long conversations AT his biju." Yes. Exactly. That is /exactly/ Hasirama in this context.
ChaoticInscriber chapter 7 . 4/14
I can see the lack of Sharingan being partly because as a reincarnate who remembers, nothing in this lifetime manages to be /quite/ the right shade of impactful to trigger it. Yeah, a lot of shit was Extremely Impactful in those right ways, but he has had a far longer life to deal with those memories than he has been an Uchiha in body, so as Sasuke they don't work quite as well as they could, in addition to them not having been originally experienced in a body wired to turn trauma into eye-focused superpowers thus not being primed for it even if it isn't noticed at first.
All the times someone triggered a Sharingan power-up years after a memory happened already had some form of it or the physical potential for it when said memory happened, they just didn't notice the shift then and thus never tried to recreate it. By the time of the Massacre and Itachi's flight, Tobi is just sad and grieving for his perceived failures and other people's actions, the newest in a long life of various hells. He /did/ have his first childhood amidst the Clan Wars, after all. It's horrible, but so was a lot of the things he experienced then. He's a bit too inured, and unlike the Uchiha got that way /before/ getting a body capable of developing the Sharingan.

While Madara probably wouldn't put it passed Tobirama to just Refuse To Be That Uchiha (and therefore fail to manifest it out of stubbornness or something), we know that while he might want to do that Tobi is too practical for that nonsense. Granted, he really does not need it, useful as it could be. This is Tobirama.
ChaoticInscriber chapter 1 . 4/14
*dies laughing*
Human Heart chapter 11 . 3/3
Human Heart chapter 8 . 3/3
X,D Hashi would totally get along with Gai POWERS COMBIIIINE
Human Heart chapter 4 . 3/3
Lol tobi just quietly adopting everyone~
indersingh220044 chapter 18 . 1/13
hmmm... when hashirama comes back next and tobirama,madara and hashirama get together and reveal truth about danzo and tell him who they are. than they get drunk together. also naruto meets obito(masked man). sasuke and naruto and harshirama meet itachi and ask him to come back but they also make fun of him as much as thay can. hahaha it will be hilarious. oh and what about naruto having sharingan, cause tbh i think madara's character is not complete without mangakeyo.
Anaelyssa chapter 10 . 10/16/2019
That poor tanuki.
RbexE.R chapter 18 . 10/4/2019
I am loving these!
What about Yamato? What would happen with that meeting? Does Madara try to fight him cause of his wood realese or does Tobi adopt him first, making him off limits to madara?
AnimeLover229 chapter 17 . 9/25/2019
Love your work. Great job.
AnimeLover229 chapter 14 . 9/24/2019
Poor girl. It's like they are her parents. Lol
Yasumin J chapter 13 . 9/23/2019
I'm dying of laughter omg
And if there is an SI!Sakura ? xD
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