Reviews for Excalibur: A Sword Forged by Stone
Goten Askil chapter 36 . 8/17
Good story. To be honest, I wasn't too enthusiastic in the beginning because I thought you were going a bit too medieval on the feudal society (and I felt at times that every single bit of "worldbuilding thoughts" at the end of the chapters had me going "meh" since you apparently interpret everything in canon differently than me xD). But the AU you built was internally coherent, interesting and most importantly engaging, so the enthusiasm did come. So, yeah. Rite Moar, pliz.

Your writing is very good, your characters have different voices, and you did great in creating a younger Lelouch, less "finished product" but without the tedium of reading about kids doing kid things. Same for Nunnally, she's absolutely great and the world will never know what hit it when she finally enters the game. If you'll allow a few suggestions, you could profit by adding a few time markers. Either in narration or in the place stamps you have in the beginning of scenes. At times I had difficulty deciding exactly how long happened between scenes, especially in chapters spanning a long in-story time.
Also, in the end I find a bit unbelievable that Frederick was the only one guessing who Lelouch is. Between Roy's guess that he's a noble, Alex's that his parents are very high and his mother is a commoner-made-knight-in-a-wheelchair, and the fact they've actually met her and before she came as an Empress for a mere Corporal's disappearance, they should have at least made the supposition. Especially Alex, since you've established him as observant and Marianne's hair color is not her most defining feature. If you absolutely need them oblivious for your following plans, just mention in Charles' POV that he modified their memory to have them forget their conclusion.

Speaking about future plots, and beside my prediction about Nunnally taking the world by storm (I vote for Nunnally Empress 2020, by the way), I'm like 80 percent sure that Oberstein will be the main antagonist in the next part. At this point it's quite clear (or a magnificent red erring) that he's the one helping Brigit and telling her about Lelouch, but I'm less certain whether he's also behind the Lelouch purge or the attacks on Charles' supports. If his brother turned out to have been killed by Marianne or a Geass assassin (with him recovering from Charles' Geass for example), that everything would fit nicely, but perhaps too nicely. We'll see.

Anyway, great story, loved it, can't wait to read the next one! Read you in a month, then!

Scarease chapter 36 . 8/14
If need or are interest in Ocs and plot idea have few might like even Knightmare and other ideas.
Scarease chapter 22 . 8/13
So is lelouch get the four Sazuku cousin ,Kallen ,Shirly and C.C ?
Scarease chapter 16 . 8/13
I have feeling Milly has her own plots of revenge against Sally.
Xyan99 chapter 36 . 8/11
I'm not one for lengthy, in-depth reviews so here's what I hope you find helpful in my feedback:

You're being respectful to the characters while shaping them to fit the world you've created. I think your pacing is a bit slow but I'm not saying it's a flaw, personal issue more so. I've also had my mind opened to Odysseus're right, he's portrayed as talented but useless and yet he has to have some value or merit. Keep exploring his character, please.

Hope you stay safe in the rough times we're in.
SomebodyLost chapter 36 . 8/2
I have many questions. Some are trivial, but your world fascinates me in all aspects.

What is it with Allie’s obsession with oranges?

So what’s the reason for Shirley’s crush now on Lulu? And who did Nunnally pledge to murder? Milly or Shirley or both? Although Nunnally’s glares were less effective if she can’t make eye-contact.

{"I'm glad." Milly pulled her into a hug. "There's no need to be so angry with the world. Sometimes things are complicated, but you can trust in Britannia and the system. There are some bad apples, but they're eventually found and when we finally defeat the E.U. and the Chinese Federation, there won't be anymore wars. Your brother will be safe.”}
That was an interesting insight, that she has trust in Brittania even if she’s open-minded. I suppose since the Ashfords didn’t fall from disgrace, she would still be pro-Empire and all. Brittania’s bluff really did work. Did you think she got some horrible stories from the vi Brittania siblings in canon though? Or maybe it was Sayoko’s presence?

{flagrant rule violation} It’s illegal to cook? Why are there no cooks?

Does the entire division know Lulu’s Zero? He saved them before, right? In the first encounter with the Count? Is that the reason? Why would they not want to acknowledge it?

Henry was indeed formatted, but how? Guessing that Charlie amped Lelouch’s animosity towards Henry or threatened his family? Or/and made it look like Lelouch distrusts Henry. Or something about gardens? I’m quite curious what will happen if Lelouch gets his geass and geasses Henry (IDK what scenario will that be); how will Charles and Lelouch’s geass fight?

{Frederick also remained distant, his hands fiddling with a letter} Is that letter from the previous chapter?

{Slowly, he finished his first proper meal as Roy waxed on about Empress Marianne and how utterly terrifying she was. Occasionally, Alex would chime in with an extra detail, intent on giving Lelouch a heart attack. His mother was not to be trifled with and they were lucky to have escaped her wrath.} Lmao reminds me of the chapter they kept saying stuff about Marianne and Charles and Lelouch would have none of it. The horror of the squad once they learn they’re saying those stuff in front of her kid. XD

Hmm, does Gwen also know who Lelouch is? She does work in the media/newspapers. And lmao the squad not knowing who Lelouch is… PLOT ARMOR. XDXDXD
To your credit, it’s a pretty tough armor since it’s reasonable, but I don’t think it should hold for long.

So what made you put in the stuff about Leila? Just maybe-or-maybe-not plot?

Royal guard… why didn’t Frederick accompany Lelouch then to see Oddy? Who trains royal guards?
Incognito royal guards? And how can Lelouch pay for him if he doesn’t have cash lol. And will he give Fred a heraldic badge or something that Euphie had given Suzaku? Don’t they need some ceremony to make it official, like canon Suzaku’s knighting ceremony? What’s the difference between personal knights and royal guards?

Lelouch’s insults and Charles as ‘really really bad at kids’ would always crack me up. Make him do dad jokes…

I always want Nunnally to learn self-defense, ala Daredevil. Lol wouldn’t it be ironic if she’s better at this compared to her brother who’s a soldier? I wonder if she can pilot a Knightmare too…

The demoted nobles… are they still in the 712? Why do I feel like they’ll form a clique in there? An unruly group who refused to follow Zero because they’re better. I wonder about Gino though… especially since he prolly heard Lulu got kidnapped.

Kinda satisfying to see York brought under a heel. Though me feels he’d be trouble in the future. Lol Lelouch forcing him and Art to work with each other, but it’ll intriguing if they get each other’s respect (bonding over tormenting Lelouch before?).

May I recommend adding a (beauty) mole to Lelouch’s disguise?

So Henry’s a bodyguard, but not a royal bodyguard? I wonder what he’s thinking, seeing Lelouch from a soldier to this prince. How does guarding work in these events? They hover? What about when Lelouch danced?

Lmao Lelouch sounds exactly what Charles said to Schneziel about ‘squabbling over the pieces’ XD

Lemme get this straight… Oddy was convinced by Lelouch because… Lelouch convinced Oddy that Charles cares about him? That he has a value even if the others outshine him? I’m wrapping my head around their talk since Charles later marvels that Lelouch got to make Oddy work with him.

{It would cost him and potentially burn the goodwill he garnered with Odysseus.} I don’t get it. Is it because Odysseus ain’t a supporter of the Numbers?

How rude is Lelouch in the party? Sorry, I can’t imagine clearly.

Interesting, a collab between Reuben and Oberstein. That doesn’t bode well. XD

Hmm, me thinks Lelouch and Nunnally dislikes Reuben’s role, but not the man himself. He did act more like proper dad in just a few months unlike Charles.

I’m surprised nobles have connections to the Geass Order. I always thought it was separate from the noble jockying.

{His loyalty made him weaker than Schneizel who turned on allies when it benefited him.} Ironically, Charles can’t see how the same loyalty strengthens Lelouch.

Hmm, to clarify, Schneizel is Prime Minister, but isn’t commander of the army. Who is? Marianne?

{That had been… easy.} What’s with the hesitation?

That was a nice ending, Lelouch teaching origami. Might become a 712 tradition.

Hmm, I have question. Was Art imprisoned in the same hospital Lelouch was? Then why didn’t Charles just use his geass to extract his memories?

Thanks for writing and your patience.
Joyce Lidivine Azebaze chapter 36 . 7/31
CriticalPen chapter 36 . 7/30
I salute you for dropping the flying knightmare armies of r2! For one, I found it illogical how quickly the air tech suddenly developed and was mass produced across all forces from knightmares to flying battleships. For another, I liked the fact that the knightmares were wheeled. It was unique to the show where Gundam has their flying mechs, Full Metal Panic walked, and Macross transformed. Code Geass had a neat little niche in how their mechs operated. Which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I'll conclude, rather simply, that this has been a great work of fiction! I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the incidental birthdayish present of having your epilogue and opening for your next installment on my birthday.
Cinereo Cardinalem chapter 36 . 7/30
Thank you for yet another chapter! _ I'm sorry I didn't review all of them since my last comment but free time to read is scarce these days. :c

I'm excited that you at least mentioned some stuff (i.e. Breisgaus) from Akito the Exiled. This spin-off almost always get neglected by other writers which is a shame IMHO since it has great potential to exploit in fanfiction. Really glad you did that))) Can't wait (but actually can) to see the continuation of your work. It's been great so far and I have faith in you making it even greater. Best wishes!
Darth Lelouch chapter 36 . 7/30
Thanks for the chapter.
Guest chapter 36 . 7/30
Simple smiley face
Shiranai Atsune chapter 36 . 7/30
Yey! A new update!

So long, so good, so worth the wait!

I enjoy reading every bit of this very much and I am very much looking forward to reading more!
Titanfire999 chapter 36 . 7/30
:) on request
SomebodyLost chapter 35 . 7/23
Hmm, Brandon vi Britannia? And Marianne becomes a vi Britannia? So last names of the nobility are also inheritable? You can't just replace them? I just remembered that Brigit did inherit the name when she won.

I do like that Guinevere is good at courtly life. It makes sense for her to be competent there and be relevant, rather than become the usual money-spender. Well she is, but I just like your added layer. But what about her sister?

Interesting. I like your Genbu’s solution instead of the Genbu/Nunnally betrothal. Aside from avoiding the squick, it makes more sense. Although why not the ‘Tohdoh’ name for Suzaku? Suzaku Chiba… Suzaku Tohdoh… gah, doesn’t roll off the tongue as Kururugi. :P

Although giving a living sibling really will flair up Suzaku’s bro instincts. Though why do I foresee dread in the future, especially if/when Suzaku comes against Lelouch?

{lump of metal rested on the counter as he left the room.} Nooo that’s your armor! Useful against stray bullets… though ooooof, characterizing that as just a lump of metal… harsh, but well done.

I do hope that Lelouch doesn’t become hydrophobic that he wouldn’t be able to swim or take showers. Hygiene is important. O_o

{“No scones.”} But yes to cinnamon buns and tamales? What did your research say about associated foods and torture? I’m rather confused why he liked the applesauce but then it becomes ash later. Makes me suspicious of geass.

{She swallowed. "The only rumors of Charles's secret weapon was the flash of light from the moon reflecting off the metal. He was so displeased. Tried painting the entire thing black, but that didn't work. Only the most trusted nobles knew... and they tried so hard to keep the Ganymede out of a commoner's hand. And I wanted them to succeed. I wanted them to pilot the cursed machine so I could finally sleep instead of spilling blood under moonlight. But nobody could do what I did.”} And this is why I love your rendition of Marianne and Charles. Killing is visceral, especially if done face to face. I suppose this also factors into that imperial racism; it’s easier to swallow bloodshed if you think you’re doing it to lesser beings.

Men in Black? How do you justify that in the CG world? Especially if the lead is a black dude. Is Britannia racist against colored people? I mean there was some black nobles?

Very interesting world building! Someone principled… like Zero in canon? I wonder how making the United States of Japan affected Britannia?

The social-political stuff really was harsh, pushing down on Marianne and Charles, somewhat explaining why they’re like that. We may disagree, but they are a product of their times.

Is Henry getting reformatted?

Lelouch does dream big. Right after his mom leaves he wants to change the world lol. It does seem he’s in his R2 characterization. Forcing him to care for others outside of Nunnally did expand his horizons.

Lmao, Charles was awkward at first around Lelouch, then suddenly boomed. Why? I mean… is he doing it so people outside can hear?

I also like Charles’ and Marianne’s respective talk to Lelouch. Charles’ got a tidbit that his geass ain’t perfect, and Marianne got some closure with Lelouch. Though why didn’t Lelouch ask Marianne about York? Or think that York might be compromised because of what Charles said? If he thought and then dismissed of Alex, why not York? And why does Charles leave York unhindered if he knew/suspected that York may have his own agenda? *general confusion*

Did Charles purposely paraded the news of Zero as a great general? I mean, yes, he paraded the Count’s death, but Zero? Made Zero as a symbol? Another mask for Lelouch. Will there be a literal mask?

Interesting. Kinda like a Roy-Riza relationship of having a gun pointed at his back to do stay on the path. Eventually, it may also be a gun that will watch his back.

So… basically Lelouch’s plan is to get Art’s intelligence and get Odysseus’ support by revealing himself as Zero? Hmm, what about Schneizel? Doesn’t he have a close connection with Odysseus?

{a knight and their liege are not allowed to marry} Hmm, is a Knight of Round considered a lower position? After all, Marianne became the Knight of Six.

Thanks for writing. Argh, you have no idea how long I kept waiting for Thursday to roll around to see the update!
wantagrape chapter 35 . 7/23
The story's really good so far,hope it will continue, btw chapter 30 and 31 are the same, don't know if that's a mistake or not
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